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The Mender of Hearts

Can you see beyond his veil

By Novel AllenPublished 4 days ago Updated 3 days ago 1 min read

Thou elusive mender of broken hearts, why do you hide your face from me

I wear a shrouded veil of mist-covered intangible celestial cloak, as you watch

The shattered pieces of my porcelain heart fall to the floor

He wraps his elusive self and cloak tightly to his form

I peer closely at the blend of shadows and dark undulations

He winces audibly, inching deeper into the mist, a shrinking violet is he. I see it now...

For within that moment, I came to realize the burden borne by such a fragile soul

His must be a load akin to that of Sisyphus, condemned by Hades

Oh the burden he must bear, carrying all the pain of the human hearts

The mender constantly must roll the boulder up that hill, as if he is the one atoning for our pain

The greater our mortal pain and suffering, the deeper he shrinks into the mist

I imagine he emerges from time to time to place a few pixie dusts, allowing time to work its heart magic slowly

For the human hearts are plenteous and pain thrives in abundance here, there and over yonder hill

Yet the Mender, he perseveres, soothing our hearts as best he can

You there with the broken heart, the Mender feels your pain

Fear not, I am never far away, just fairly spreading magic dust to the many who are sad, everywhere

Be patient, be gentle with your heart, he feels your pain, we can rest easier now

The Mender places his hand gently, like a wisp of wind, over my heart, the pain feels lighter, a single broken piece mends

Time will dull this fiery ache within your chests, which radiate to your souls

Be still my heart

Soon the pieces, like a Mender's puzzle

Will all fall into place again!!!!!!


Yet, the question begs an answer...

Who will mend the wearied heart of the faithful Mender of broken hearts?

The Mender has lots of love to spare....whispers the North Wind!

Worry not for he is everlasting!


Stream of Consciousnessinspirationalheartbreak

About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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  • Tiffany Gordon about 6 hours ago

    Hey Novie This is such a beautiful concept; G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S writing! May The Mender visit those in need this evening as they sleep!

  • This felt so optimistic, uplifting and hopeful! Loved your poem so much!

  • Hannah Moore3 days ago

    Who mends the mender?

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