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The Leap Was The Key

I'd kept my hurt heart locked away inside a gloomy fortress

By Jupiter GrantPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
The Leap Was The Key
Photo by Muzammil Soorma on Unsplash

I kept my hurt heart locked away inside a gloomy fortress,

determined never to emerge, but stay there safely hidden.

Grown resigned to my lonely fate, never hopeful for the future.

I’d given up on asking why. Then the answer came, unbidden.

Though at the time I could not know my life would be transformed,

my drowning in the quicksand, deep, of existential drama

turned out to be my saving grace, my destiny’s salvation,

when at a crossroad I was faced with a reckoning of artha.

Such was the depth of my despair, I had no other option

but than to make momentous changes to my way of life.

I feared that I might crash and burn, and yet I took my chances

although my future balanced on the sharp edge of a knife.

It’s been a year and thirty days or so since my decision

to break the chains that kept me locked in stress and dark depression.

And though there are still many days and weeks where life’s uncertain,

at least I am no longer drowning under that oppression.

Not only that, along the way, the path has led me forward

into a future where the jigsaw pieces fall in place.

My life’s coming together now, in ways I’d only dreamed of,

and I find that I have a smile near-plastered on my face.

If I had never braved the leap into that yawning void

though I had no idea of where my destiny was headed,

I don’t believe I would have found myself in the position

I’m in today, my negative opinion of life shedded.

Instead, I find each day brings something new and unexpected,

and happy synchronicities and blessing now surround me.

I found the answers that I sought, the key that I was missing,

when I leapt into the great unknown, and the Universe then caught me.


©️ Jupiter Grant, 2021

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Jupiter Grant is a self-published author, blogger, narrator, and audiobook producer. Buy me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/jupitergrant

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About the Creator

Jupiter Grant

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Audiobook Producer, Freelancer.

As you may have guessed, Jupiter Grant is my nom de plume. I’m a purveyor of fiction, poetry, pop culture, and whatever else takes my fancy on any given day.

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