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The Forgotten Guardian

A Symphony of Struggle and Strength

By Tyler RowePublished 12 months ago 2 min read

I. Sight

Through the smudged and worn-out lens of time,

A soldier's tale unfolds, unadorned and bare,

In city alleys, under bridges, life's chime,

Echoes in the eyes, a spark of bravery rare.

Skyscrapers touch the bleeding sky, as his memories trace,

The landscapes of war, blurred by the grime of disdain,

Yet in the mirror of society, they fail to see his face,

A hero forgotten, etched in the canvas of pain.

II. Sound

The cacophony of city life, a merciless roar,

Drowns the whispers of his valor, courage unsung,

Once filled with battle cries, now the silence he wore,

His voice lost in the wind, tales of war left unhung.

Yet, beneath the cloak of noise, listen close,

You might hear an anthem of resilience in his sigh,

A symphony of struggle and strength that arose,

From the depths of his spirit, refusing to lie.

III. Touch

Unfamiliar, the cold concrete beneath his worn-out frame,

Once cradled by the warmth of camaraderie in trenches deep,

Roughened hands, bear the weight of a forgotten name,

Yet, in their grasp, the dignity of a promise to keep.

The chill of indifference cuts deeper than winter's cold,

Yet, undeterred, he clings to an unseen, internal flame,

A testament to endurance, a courage untold,

In the rough touch of his existence, he stakes his claim.

IV. Taste

The stale taste of unkept promises lingers,

In the corners of his mouth, a bitter brew,

Yet, on his tongue dances the spirit of fighters,

Savoring the sweetness of freedom he once knew.

In the remnants of meals discarded, he finds sustenance,

Yet, each morsel is a reminder, a prickling contrast,

Of the feast of honor he once had in abundance,

Now, the aftertaste of gratitude lost in the past.

V. Smell

The stench of neglect hangs heavy in the air,

A stark contrast to the scent of homeland soil,

Yet, beneath the grime, lingers a fragrance rare,

The smell of bravery, steeped in blood and toil.

Incense of sacrifice, a perfume not everyone knows,

Wafts through the veil of society's perfidy,

His scent tells a story that seldom shows,

A silent testament to uncelebrated audacity.

In this sensory journey through the tale of one,

Lie countless untold stories of the many unsung,

In the folds of society, lost and forgotten,

Echo the tales of our guardians, forever young.

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About the Creator

Tyler Rowe

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