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Tales of Torment: Void's Company

Loneliness and aloneness aren't the same, but two sides of the same coin. The same as solitude and isolation, ways of spending, and in some ways losing, this currency we call time. The very thin line between each pair isn't always very clear. Aloneness I hadn't always, but have come to enjoy. Loneliness, however, I do not, and never have found to be enjoyable. Time in solitude is restorative for me, but time isolation leaves me seeking more and more isolation. The very same weariness that was present prior. I often find myself moving back and forth, and sometimes, with a foot on each side. Like a coin spinning, only time will tell, on which side I will land.

By Josh MorganPublished 5 days ago 1 min read

leave me be-

in void's company

for long it has been silenced, my plea

in the darkest sea

for long no one could see,

and now it's my dream

i can't stand to be seen

but in this darkness i can see

there's a strange peace in this field of agony

away from the sun's anxiety

and the day's tyranny

in void's company

nihility has a committee,

and absence is its vocabulary

only in closeting, can one study its meaning

ruminating, how an emptiness full of itself, is my surrounding

quietness besides me,

and vacancy hosts me

but in these black waters i've learned to swim, and come out clean

and through the black blades of grass i learned to walk, i can see

i am too late for saving

i found, void's company

Mental HealthStream of Consciousnesssocial commentary

About the Creator

Josh Morgan

I began writing as a means of expressing creativity, relieving stress, and venting emotions. I mention my daily battle with mental health a lot, I hope it is relatable and inspiring to readers, as writing is something I'm passionate about.

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