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By Lamar WigginsPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Alex on Unsplash

On the longest day of the year, a wise man told me twice.

"Yer gonna meet and alien, he will be here tonight!"

I laughed in his withered face, told him he was insane.

I didn’t believe in such things; it never crossed my brain.

But on my way home, walking down a dark and lonely dirt road,

three flaming blue orbs rushed by, an unexpected sight to behold.

One came gliding back. It hovered high above my head.

It gradually descended. Oh my god, I must be dead!

It rested at eye level, there was no evidence of sound.

Little did I know, the mysterious sphere would astound.

I was lifted three feet high, spun around and inspected.

Gently returned to the earth, my life, forever affected.

The glowing orb turned silver, it began to morph and change.

Within a few seconds, a human-like form remained.

I took a wary step back, it playfully followed suit.

It mimicked my motions like an obedient soldier recruit.

Mercurial skin that shimmered, with a single oval eye,

A smile so thin, a rusted voice, pitched high.

The feeling of fear dissipated from my bones.

It was a strange alien man, far, very far from his home.

In a skittish manner, I asked if we could be friends.

A curious look formed on his face, it ended with a grin.

We talked, I listened, he displayed his distant land,

using holograms and maps, generated by sleight of hand.

It was my time to share, using my primitive device.

An iPhone, with a depleted battery would have to suffice.

Scrolling through pages of embarrassing nonsense,

I stopped when I saw a pic that held mixed pretense.

The image was of a woman who represents many things.

The plight, the independence and struggles she brings.

She tells her own tale of a tumultuous history.

I showed him the phone, revealing the Statue of Liberty.

He paused, grabbed the phone and studied the screen.

His emotions took over, turning a pale shade of green.

That magical night ended with insight and praise.

And somehow my phone has been charged till this day.

At the same time each year, I return to that place.

Hoping, praying, to grace that radiant face.

I am a man. I am… a believer.

By Richard Iwaki on Unsplash

surreal poetryfact or fiction

About the Creator

Lamar Wiggins

Creative writer in the Northeast US who loves the paranormal, mystery, true crime, horror, humor, fantasy and poetry. Take a chance, you'll be thoroughly entertained.

"Life is Love Experienced" -LW


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (18)

  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    Love that little aside about the phone staying charged.

  • Edgar Grove 6 months ago

    Dude! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! I had no idea you wrote! I should’ve assumed, 😂 I loved everything about this. The last line was what I resonated with, “I am a man. I am… a believer.” I am in accord with this.

  • Grz Colm6 months ago

    Showing the phone lol! So glad it is now charged though. Nice one Lamar. 😊👍

  • Veronica Coldiron10 months ago

    I love that there was actually a little back and forth on this one. It gave your alien a personality! So many of our entries just make the assumption that we're telling them something, but this makes it a "relationship" and I love it! 👽

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    This is great. Well done.

  • Raymond G. Taylor11 months ago

    Loved that you shared Lady Liberty with your visitor. Well done.

  • L.C. Schäfer11 months ago

    I have SUCH a soft spot for poems that rhyme! This is great, well done 👏

  • Donna Fox (HKB)11 months ago

    Lamar way to show off how crazy talented you are! You not only told a story but the poem rhymed too!! It was such a sweet little story, with great descriptive language and imagery! This was so well written!! Great work!!

  • EYHCS11 months ago

    I love this! Great work, Lamar, and use of rhymes to craft a compelling story. Such a primitive device indeed - the iPhone! Nice line, but my favorite was these: "I was lifted three feet high, spun around, and inspected. Gently returned to the earth, my life, forever affected." ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • The Statue of Liberty was such a great idea! Imagine showing him the pyramids and he says that his race built those, lol. Loved your poem!

  • Babs Iverson11 months ago

    Fabulous!!! Love it, Lamar!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Very nice, hopeful.

  • Mark Gagnon11 months ago

    Maybe there is a chance! Well done!

  • Real Poetic11 months ago

    I am also a believer in life beyond our world. Wonderful sci-fi poem.

  • Matthew Fromm11 months ago

    Great work as always!

  • ARC11 months ago

    I LOVE this, Lamar. Outstanding work and so poignant and thoughtful. Beautiful. 💙

  • Jazzy 11 months ago

    This was such a cool idea, to show the alien the Statue of Liberty ❤️ I still haven’t decided what I would show an alien.

  • Alex H Mittelman 11 months ago

    Great poem! Keep believing!

Lamar WigginsWritten by Lamar Wiggins

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