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She Lit My Fire With Her Spark

a poem by Solomon

By Solomon WalkerPublished 5 days ago 2 min read
she lit my fire by Solomon

She lit my fire with her spark, a flame that danced and flickered in the depths of my soul. Her presence, like a gentle breeze, stirred the embers of my heart, awakening a passion that had long been dormant.

Her eyes, like two pools of liquid amber, held a depth that I could not resist. They spoke volumes without uttering a single word, drawing me in with their magnetic pull. In their depths, I saw a reflection of my own desires, mirrored back to me with an intensity that left me breathless.

Her voice, a melodic symphony, resonated within me, weaving its way through the chambers of my being. Each word she spoke was like a sweet melody, caressing my ears and igniting a fire within. It was a voice that could soothe the most troubled of souls, and yet, it held a power that could move mountains.

Her touch, like a gentle flame, sent shivers down my spine. With every brush of her hand against mine, I felt a surge of electricity, coursing through my veins. It was a touch that spoke of longing and desire, leaving an indelible mark upon my skin, branding me as hers.

She was a force of nature, a tempest that swept through my life, leaving nothing untouched. With her, I felt alive, as if every breath I took was infused with her essence. She awakened a hunger within me, a hunger for life, for love, for all that was beautiful and passionate.

But like all flames, our love burned bright and fierce, consuming everything in its path. And just as quickly as it had ignited, it was extinguished, leaving behind only ashes and memories. Yet, even in the aftermath, I am grateful for the fire she ignited within me, for it showed me the depths of my own capacity to love.

Though she may be gone, her spark still lingers, a reminder of the passion we once shared. It serves as a beacon, guiding me through the darkness, reminding me that love, in all its forms, is worth the risk. For it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.

So, I carry her spark within me, a flame that will forever burn, illuminating my path and igniting the hearts of those I encounter. And though our love may have been fleeting, it will forever be etched upon my soul, a testament to the power of a single spark.

humorsurreal poetrylove poemsinspirationalGratitudeFriendship

About the Creator

Solomon Walker

Artist, Photographer, Poet, Entrepreneur. Director, Museum of Digital Fine Arts (MoDFA). Solomon is also creator and curator of MoDFA art group on LinkedIn.

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  • angela hepwortha day ago

    Beautiful and heart wrenching depiction of love.

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