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Seeds, Trees, Soil, and Miracles.

It took 40 years for my own “spring.”

By NeekloPublished 6 months ago 1 min read
IG & TIKTOK @neeklo_

You pushed me deep into the ground. You taught others how to do so. They watched and stood silent. But I've been growing down there.

My precious sprout broke the surface which you thought I’d never find. It took some time. But here I am. To grow my own branches.

I am a seed from you. But, I am separate. I grew from your soil full of hindrances to test my hunger for light. The good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly lives there. But from it, I rise.

Stronger, wiser, and resilient. For that soil was a mere test. I continue to grow new branches and leaves despite the weather and seasons. I grow larger and stronger each year.

My roots grow deep to supply nourishment for my new little leaves. There’s a difference between you and I. My seeds evolve differently.

I don’t stomp my seeds into the ground. I let them fly freely to where they wish to land. They choose where to implant themselves. I share my soil with them, and they, in turn, make the soil richer.

I stand behind them. Standing tall for support. I shade them from the scorching heat. I will cover them from the heavy rains. My roots grow deep to reach their roots to provide them nourishment.

I will stand tall, high, and take a lightning strike for them. I was pushed deep down into the ground. Not to be hidden forever.

I discovered I didn’t need your light to grow. It is a miracle that I still grew.

I now have a strong foundation deeply implanted into the earth. I learned to stand firmer with each inch that I grew. It took 40 years for my own “spring.” But my roots run deep.

My roots connect and nourish the new trees at any distance. We will nourish each other. Forever.

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About the Creator


This is where I turn my pain into words. My words into healing.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran6 months ago

    Whoaaa, this was so powerful and beautifully written! I loved it!

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