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Ode to a Doll

ordinary doll

By Abnoan MunizPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Ode to a Doll
Photo by Sandra Gabriel on Unsplash

In chambers draped with childhood's gleam,

Upon a shelf, a figure lies,

A doll, unmoving, eyes that dream,

A friend of old, under timeless skies.

A face once flushed with painted blush,

Now faded, yet a beauty still,

In cotton dress and silken hush,

A testament to youthful thrill.

She sits, adorned in finest lace,

Her plastic limbs bear tender grace,

Each stitch and seam, a mark of love,

Her quiet smile, a cooing dove.

A hand once small did clasp you tight,

Through dream-filled days and starlit night,

In plays and tales, you've danced and sung,

Yet now you rest, the games are done.

Yet still, you speak, a gentle muse,

Of innocence we're prone to lose,

In eyes once bright, a glimmer shows,

A memory the heart still knows.

A child's pure joy, a parent's glance,

A moment held in time's embrace,

A world where dreams had still a chance,

Within your frame, I find that place.

O doll, dear doll, of yesteryears,

Though shelved, your spirit's never gone,

You're more than seams and cloth-bound tears,

A symbol of a time long drawn.

So here's to you, unspoken sage,

A humble piece of art, divine,

Your quiet grace defies the age,

In you, the extraordinary we find.


About the Creator

Abnoan Muniz

Brazilian Senior Software Engineer

Diagnosed with ADHD at 30, my perspective of life took a transformative turn, breathing new life into my world.

A lot of creativity and unconventional thinking you will find here.

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