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My Love Letter

An old journal entry, when I was starting to fall in love with myself.

By Honor HonzialiPublished 11 months ago 1 min read

I want my stories about me to go something like this.

“You know she’s beautiful almost as instantly as you hear her footsteps. She walks tall with an armor of calmness. Her armor of intimidation keeps away the insecurity that dares to come her way, be it from someone, or herself.

Her beautiful skin glows in any light, though she’d tell you that the lighting is bad, no matter where she goes. She doesn’t know her shine is not a detriment, but a superpower.

Her voice, calm and flowing like water, may drown you if you are not careful, but if you are, you’d know just how lucky you are to be surrounded by her oasis.

Her booming laugh shakes everyone and everything around her, and she’s no longer embarrassed about it. The sound alarms to notify all in its vicinity that she is indeed the fun, the laughter, the joy and light.

Her hair, shapeshifting every so often adds to the beauty, her hair indicative of her joyous moods, and determination to live fully. Her hair glistens in the sun, showing just how much the sun loves her, as a ray of its sunshine.

Her face is still and calm, then emoting with amazing quickness, her eyes and mouth inviting, and giving a sense of comfort.

She is wildly expressive, her eyes having the power to build you and break you with every blink. She’s learned to reserve her emotions for only those who she has deemed worthy of them, so if you’ve ever seen them, be eternally grateful.

She is fluid, and graceful. Nothing she ever does is not done with a fluid move, a graceful and powerful choreography. Her moves come off as natural, just as they are, but know that she is so brilliant, that she quickly coordinates them, without a thought. It comes innately. And when she dances, it is an honor to get to behold such a sight. It is a privilege to know her, to love her. It is truly an honor. She is truly an Honor.”

love poems

About the Creator

Honor Honziali

I am a New York designer, in Fashion Design school, who has always had a knack for writing. I stopped writing for years, but remembered how much I love it after taking a summer course. Hoping to share creativity and grow as a writer!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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  • Chloe Rose Violet 🌹11 months ago

    This was beautiful! I enjoyed reading it. ❤️

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