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Musings Over Elevenses

A short poem

By Rachel DeemingPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
Musings Over Elevenses
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I don't want to be perfect

But I want to strive for perfection.

I know there can't always be harmony

But can't we try to be harmonious?

Stream of ConsciousnessFree Verse

About the Creator

Rachel Deeming

Storyteller. Poet. Reviewer. Traveller.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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  • D.K. Shepard3 months ago

    What a great gem of a poem! A balance beam with tension pulling and pushing both ways

  • I always try to be harmonious. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. But if they still cross me despite all that, then my other personality would take over. Hahahahahahaha. Loved your poem!

  • Yes, please.

  • John Cox3 months ago

    Michelangelo said - perfection is in the trifles but perfection is no trifle. This is a perfect little poem, its structural balance echoing the balance and hopefulness in the message. Your use of harmony and harmonious is an example of the importance of word selection. If you had used any other word combination the poem would be diminished. Really powerful writing Rachel! But what is the connection to Musing over Elevenes?

  • Caroline Jane3 months ago

    There's a new word brewing among these lines. I can't quite formulate it but the best i got is..."perfectorious" the act of striving for harmonious perfection.

  • As Paul said people don't want harmony. They want to hold grudges over things that realistically should be forgiven. But, I have come to realize that holding grudges mostly hurts the one holding the grudge. If you can't forgive and move forward you are always going to be stuck in a small world hole of darkness. Like you, I strive for that perfection. However, I am not perfect and I never will. I make mistakes in life. Mostly unintentional mistakes. And, I guess I will continue to make mistakes (and even the same mistakes). But, I can forgive myself and work on moving forward. My current motto in life is: The shattered pieces of life will not discourage me. I love your poem. It is perfect just the way it is.

  • Paul Stewart3 months ago

    oooooh, me likey this a lot! Love the wordplay and the thought behind it all! You make a good point. People don't want harmony it seems. I have been thinking a lot about how...people just don't seem to get that hate never wins or progresses things...hate leads to more hate. As hippyish as it sounds, love, or at the very least, tolerance, is the only way we can have more harmony. Anyway, as usual, even when you have just a few words, you get me thinking and there is a touch of whimsy to this too, as well as being fairly deep too!

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