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Moonlit Reverie

Dreams in Lunar Splendor

By Nadiia DiiaPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

Bathed in celestial glow, the night unveils,

A silver veil descending, as darkness pales.

The moon takes center stage, a radiant sphere,

Casting its ethereal light, both far and near.

Moonlight dances upon the earth's embrace,

A gentle caress, bestowing peace and grace.

Soft whispers of nocturnal secrets unfold,

As moonbeams weave stories, untold.

With a luminous smile, the moon takes flight,

Guiding nocturnal wanderers through the night.

Its gentle radiance, a comforting embrace,

A beacon of solace in the vast cosmic space.

Moonlight weaves enchantment, a silver spell,

Transforming the mundane into a magic dwell.

Under its gentle touch, shadows come alive,

As dreams and fantasies effortlessly thrive.

A symphony of shadows, played by moonlight's hand,

Unveiling the mysteries of a nocturnal land.

The world bathed in a celestial hue,

Awakens wonder and imagination anew.

Silent whispers of moonlight kiss the trees,

Casting a tranquil glow upon the midnight breeze.

The world bathed in its ethereal embrace,

Basks in its serenity, adorned with grace.

Oh, moonlight, celestial painter of the night,

You cast a spell, enchanting with your light.

Your presence, a reminder of beauty untold,

A testament to wonders the universe holds.

In the tranquil embrace of your shimmering grace,

We find solace, as the world slows its pace.

Moonlight, a guardian of dreams, forever true,

Bathing the world in a celestial hue.

So let us bask in the moon's gentle glow,

Embracing its magic, as our spirits grow.

For in its radiance, we find peace and delight,

Guided by moonlight, through the mystic night.

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About the Creator

Nadiia Diia

I reveal the questions that our soul is interested in and that our mind is searching for.

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