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Modern time Modern rides

Laws of Value (Remember how it used to be)

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Modern time Modern rides
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

feminism is bullshit.

men are fucking scary.

some men are truly amazing.

some are abusive.

some are supportive.

but not all men.

rape is a huge epidemic.

men are violent.

incarceration rates are higher for men than for women.

male teachers rape kids more often than female teachers.

men assault more people per year than women do.

prison is worse for men.

men are the victims of domestic violence at twice the rate of women.

and to continue to promote these false ideas doesn't do anything to protect anyone.

but even before I decided to be outspoken against these injustices, I saw things happening in my classroom, around my town, that made me sick.

I have girls in my classes who have to try to pay for things.

girls who go hungry.

i think men are better than women and that all the problems in the world are caused by men.

i think women are weak and useless.

i think they're to blame for every bad thing that happens to them.

i think most women are either lesbians, whores, or desperate.

i think women are dumb, naive and sexually depraved.

i think men are important, strong, necessary.

i think you should never call a women crying at night asking for money a slut. i think men are stupid, weak, abusive.

i think they're lazy.

i think they're controlling.

i think they're full of emotion and bloodlust.

i think they're cruel.

I wrote, I don't know, ten blogs.

I have no idea why.

They are probably the saddest things I have ever written.

But, in trying to make myself feel better, I will publish them here.

You know when you miss someone.

You want to see them.

You want to do what they are doing.

Fathers shouldn't beat their children, children should not live in war - torn countries, people should not hate other people for what they look like or how they pray. there is already so much hatred in the world and i don't think i want to add to it.

I don't think this post was supposed to be anything but satirical.

But even as I type this, I don't believe it.

My response: When you mention your girlfriend, you're flirting with my boyfriend and giving me a guilt trip.


End of story.

i don't want to go out with you.

that was written for your benefit.

for all of our benefit.

for the hope that it would make you not continue to talk to me.

Feminism is anti - men, so of course they want to rape us all.

Feminism is a cancer that needs to be cleansed from the entire world.

btw, "feminist" is a slur. you are pathetic.

male teachers are worse than female teachers.

some men really are "big, strong men."

fuck you.

I always feel like you're secretly laughing when you're doing your little pity party.

It was bad enough when you left, now you're trying to push me away too?

I'm not the one who broke up with you.

You need to grow the fuck up.

I'll continue being the bad guy while you're the good one.

I've never met you

i guess people wouldn't tell me something like this if i weren't a brat. the entire post is sarcastic, so try to take it that way.

but if you still don't see the humor in your life, maybe you should try a therapist.

i wonder what's in store for this year.

there is too much space in this year for anything good.

there is too much space for happiness, truth, integrity, love, justice, forgiveness, peace.

you can't have everything.

there is too much space for us all to be taken away from each other.

like violence, greed, selfishness, and revenge.

it takes too much space.

none of us is so special.

i am a teacher.

i am a human being.

i am who i want to be and want equality in that (delusions ffs)


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About the Creator

umer ali

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