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Love At First Sight Re-ignited


By Deirdre FitzGeraldPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 1 min read

Love At First Sight (Wayne April 11, 1958 to Feb 1, 2022)

It was a love at first sight, when we met in this life

the catalyst of each other helped it to re-ignite

It was always there, so strong and warm

Our souls’ ability to recognize each other and be at home

I knew there was a love that was so very strong

that once you felt it in your heart you knew that love belonged

I was lucky to have found and felt it in the earthly walk I take,

and share it with one so kind, an energy that would never break

A love that knew no jealousy, just comfort and kindness to all

It swirled around us as teenagers, and remained into our life’s late fall

It held an understanding and respect that we all knew would never disappear

it was a healthy love, it got stronger and grew from year to year

It was a love that did not require ceremonies,

it stood entirely on its’ own

you often could just absorb it,

and you never really felt alone

This love I did experience, how lucky was I to know,

it silently existed when we were both young and old

A love that needed no coasting, it had the proper ingredients to grow

Forever flowing about the world encouraging all to Stay Gold

I met this love through you Wayne,

in your kindness and your thoughts

You shared your beauty and ability to love,

and your friends and family won the lot

This love will keep us going

It cannot be erased

The next time we meet again and even now,

we can still feel the love throughout time and space

Stay Gold Wayne, I love you

love poems

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