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Let Me Unfold

A story surrendered to margins of destiny

By PrakarshPublished 6 days ago 1 min read
Let Me Unfold
Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

Let me carve my imperfections on the edge of your solitude,

As I work my fingers through the emptiness within you.

Let me string all the cords that would run down to your skin,

While I hold my tears for their warmth might cause you blisters.

Let me be the unsung soul your heart silently craves for,

A curse or a beautiful end you fear not to choose.

Let me hold the feels of despair in my mortal eyes,

While the wallflower grows along the cracks hidden beneath healing scars.

Let me unfold the deserted pages of our unwritten book,

While you pluck every petal that holds the fragrance of past.

Let me walk down the aisle and climb up the mountains,

As the river sweeps away the hopes and sand.

Let me stitch you a craft in words rearranged,

While you hold the power to arrange them in every way you'd like to mold our story.

Let me quench my thirst to be in your vicinity,

For reality claims that touch doesn't fill up the belly.

Let me complete the stories my pen isn't destined to,

While we gaze into each other's eyes, the ink must spill to embrace our story.

Let me shout in the valleys, a tale etched in the corners of my heart,

As we surrender our love to the margins of our destiny.

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