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If language could

language not always can express

By DarkosPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 1 min read

If the language could speak, it will tell much more stories to tell

If the language could understand, it will feel much more comfort in it's tongue space.

If the language could listen, it will be the most satisfying in phases of tears and joy of words

If the language could speak for real, it will gain much more visibility of a human soul from the inside of it all.

If the language could speak, there would be no if, but a will to speak from a heart, and be listened from heart to an answer with heart shaped vocabulary;

a hug that never goes away,

a heart that feels and stays it's way forever.

If the language could speak from it's roots, we could be, what we are not ,

but we entirely long to exist in the non language sphere of the unknown

of us what is yet to be met, take the language to it's own roots and make it our homeland space.

Thank You so Much for Your Reading, Tips & Likes much Love and Big Heart to Your side ! 

slam poetry

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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