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How About We Take a Little Drive This Weekend, Out to Our Special Place?


By Gregory D. WelchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Design by author, Gregory D. Welch | Designed using Canva

Hey beautiful, how about we take a little drive this weekend, out to our special place, check out the wildflowers, and see how many are blooming

Let's cuddle up close sitting on one of the big rocks and have hot coffee for you and green tea for me watching butterflies, stealing kisses, and seeing if I can make you blush

Let's write love notes in little touches and the soft electric feel or our hands coming together, holding each other as you lace your fingers with mine

We can head down the path afterward to the little bench, scoot in close, hugging each other up and feeling your head on my shoulder, my arm around you, and all the feels as I kiss your ear and whisper so much

Let's head out to our place, share a few stories on the big rocks as we watch butterflies dance with the wildflowers, sharing a little moment, stealing kisses, and seeing just how much I can make you blush

I'll write love notes in kisses across your lips and whisper all the feels in your ears, tickling them with my breath, giving you a little grin

Let's head down the path and sit got a while on the little bench, you tucked in close, who do you think will peek first, me or you? I hope it's you because I love when I catch you and you give that little smile and look that I love so much

With your eyes closed in between kisses and that little smile you smile when you're happy and content, I'll breathe you in and kiss your forehead, caressing your face, letting the smell of wildflowers and the sound of butterfly wings fluttering wrap us up on our little moment

Let's write each other love notes in little kisses and poetry in all the little peeks and the smiles and grins and all the feels that we feel when we're sitting so close, my hand in yours, your fingers laced with mine

Let's wrap ourselves up in this little moment, stealing kisses and little peeks, tracing your fingers down my arm, as I gently caress your face as we look at each other, saying so much without any words

Close your eyes darlin, smell the sweet smell of all those wildflowers and feel the little kisses building to bigger ones, put your hand on my heart as we listen to the flutter of butterfly wings and the sound of skipping heartbeats

Hey babe, let's find a few little moments this weekend, cuddle up close and melt together, share a few stories and chat about everything and nothing at all

Let's write love letters in little moments and wrap ourselves up in all the feels, I'll nibble your ear and whisper so much, let's listen to butterfly wings flutter and heartbeats skip beats

Trace your fingers down my arm as I hold you, and I'll touch your lips softly, let's find a little electric when we do, the soft feel of your lips on my lips and little kisses becoming bigger ones

Let's find a few little moments, scoot in close, hug each other up and steal some kisses, let's sit together, hand in hand with your fingers laced with mine, holding each other with little looks and all the feels

Hey babe, how about we take a little drive this weekend out to our special place, let's see how many of the wildflowers are blooming and sit on the big rocks while we cuddle up and melt into our little moment

love poems

About the Creator

Gregory D. Welch

Kentucky poet & scribbler. Inspiring creatives to live a creative lifestyle. Creating with courage, passion, & purpose-fueled growth. Progress over perfection.

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