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Hecate’s Tears: A Willow’s Wondrous Power

Poetry in the Moonlight Series Part 7

By Emilee AvinkPublished 6 days ago 1 min read
Hecate’s Tears: A Willow’s Wondrous Power
Photo by Adora Goodenough on Unsplash

In the moon’s tender embrace, where shadows weave,

Hecate, the triple-faced goddess, takes her throne.

Her dominion spans the crossroads, the liminal spaces,

Where magic blooms like dew-kissed petals on a willow.

Willow, her favored tree, weeps by the water’s edge,

Its slender branches trailing into the depths.

Each leaf, a green glyph etched with ancient secrets,

A language only witches comprehend.

Beneath the willow’s boughs, she peers

Into the veils of time, reading starlight and moonbeams.

Her eyes, like silver pools, reflect destinies yet unspun.

The willow’s bark yields potions and poultices,

Easing heartache and mending fractured souls.

Hecate’s touch, gentle as moonlight, soothes the wounded.

Willow wands, carved under her gaze,

Shape-shift reality. They mend, they break, they conjure.

A wand in hand, a witch becomes a weaver of worlds.

When the moon wanes, and shadows lengthen,

Hecate weeps. Her tears fall upon the willow’s roots,

Nourishing its gnarled heart, infusing it with magic.

Each tear a spell, whispered to the rustling leaves.

Witches gather, their cloaks like nightfall,

Beneath the willow’s canopy. They chant her name,

Invoke her power, and dance in moon-dappled circles.

Hecate smiles, her eyes twin crescents, knowing.

Hecate’s tears, crystalline and potent,

Flow through the veins of the willow.

They grant visions, courage, and the wisdom

To navigate the hidden paths of the cosmos.

So, witches, gather your willow wands,

Dip them in moonlight, and cast your spells.

For Hecate’s tears, like silver rivers,

Guide you through the darkness, into the light.

Continue Reading The Poetry in the Moonlight Series Here!

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Copyright © 2024 Emilee Avink

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nature poetry

About the Creator

Emilee Avink

Mama, Witch & Author ✨I'm Emilee. Chronic Pain Spoonie. FREE Palestine, Sudan and DR Congo. Crystals and Magic Oils. Email Signup > https://website.beacons.ai/ninelivesofemilee

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    Emilee AvinkWritten by Emilee Avink

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