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Heart still sounds

still sounds

By DarkosPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 3 min read
digital art summer 2023

To the rings of the rings erasing myself from myself to meet their needs never met.

I don't care what they think in what they praise

I am on earth not only for others but mainly for myself - He said

from the normalities


the gloss

the glitter

and the storm outside!

just pure as I am and the writing moment inside

feeling all right as I used to do and was because

being in my heart and in my mind

physically not feeling like touching the ground but feeling grounded more than ever inside

also fresh as September breath is just waiting outside for my lungs to breathe out all that I need to transform digest

practice is so natural

whether for others or for myself in there

even if feeling all right

it's better to refresh the brain cells inside each day without a wait

to help the cells manifest and boost the immune system

feeling like recalling the best time of my life

the difference has no space in it no time and no ageing effects

because again all is in my mind

and You are also in there

but I keep far away in the Italian

streets and the feeling of what it was

when things were just okey

probably they never were

it was just my love your love

and the space where dreams were not meeting the real thoughts I just kept on being okey with what You always needed to create out of me pretending that I really do love myself more

even though it was always You in there

appearing without me asking

Can I come ?

Your silhouette and face profile still haunting

my thoughts not at night but during a day

as if I kept memory of Your shadow

telling me more than You actually did say

I never asked for Your blessing on my way

but You always somehow did

allow me to say things in my own unique way

I have done a turn that nobody expected even I

You were my real ghostly friend for a while

this time I remember the first moment I wrote a poem on Instagram

and You dreamed of being in

You have dreamt to be the One !

You have answered with kisses

and Your own words on that

but I kind of


and not




plan !

You were scarred of Me to see through You so I did all to distance myself from You !

As much as I could

but with years

heart doesn't change

it's sound

it even


much confident much stronger

tonight !

I can but I don't need to see Your face

I feel Your presence in everywhere I am

Holographic delight ? or just a truth real state !

Today I just choose to live for myself one time a week or one time a day!

love poems

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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