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You can Keep Your Robins

By Dana CrandellPublished 5 months ago Updated 2 months ago 1 min read
Top Story - February 2024
©Dana O. Crandell

The Mockingbird returned today,

Flitting down from the little walnut tree to the fence

Outside my office window.

Soon, he'll claim his perch atop the power pole,

Patiently performing

One perfect loop after another

And singing songs full of Spring's promise.

By Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

The Kites are soaring.

Regal raptors in compact packages, slowly circling,

Keen, blackened eyes scanning.

Wings suddenly fold for the stoop,

Braking with impossible precision,

To surgically pluck tiny prey from the crisp air.

They will feast when the dragonflies return.

Photo by Author

Ah, the Grackles!

Abhorred for their bold parking lot begging.

Marvelous mimics

Tumbling, twirling aerobatics

And death-defying dives.

Evenings ring eerily with their cacopohonous concerts

As they gather to bid the sun goodnight.


These are my harbingers.

The courageous aviators of the late February skies.

Braving the chill,

Paving the way,

Reclaiming a habitat clogged and cluttered with humanity,

Clearing a path for their softer cousins' arrival.


Kinda' on a "bird" thing lately. Might be some ducks coming up...

Thanks for reading!

inspirationalnature poetry

About the Creator

Dana Crandell

Dad, Stedpad, Grandpa, Husband, lover of Nature and dogs.

Poet, Writer, Editor, Photographer, Artist and Tech/Internet nerd. Content writer by trade. Vocal Creator by choice.

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Comments (31)

  • Savannah K. Wilson2 months ago

    Well deserved TS! Looking forward to the ducks! 🩷

  • Christy Munson2 months ago

    Digging the bird themed pieces, Dana

  • A lovely and sweet nature poem, Dana 🙏🌟 Congratulations on top story too 🥰

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    I would have loved to have read this to my dad. Thank you for sharing 👍

  • Trishawn Blake5 months ago

    Awesome poem! Keep up the great work Dana ❤️❤️❤️

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    Fabulous work!!!!

  • Anna 5 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳🥳🥳

  • Heather Hubler5 months ago

    Loved this! I watch the birds on my property all the time and have come to appreciate them more and more the older I get. Thank you for this lovely piece. ❤️ sissy

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Back to say congrats on the TS.

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Carol Townend5 months ago

    Birds are the most beautiful symbols on the planet. They remind us that the planet is worth looking after. You captured birds beautifully in your poem.

  • JBaz5 months ago

    Hey Dana, Nice job on the top story. ( And I learned what a Grackle is) Congratualtions

  • Jazzy 5 months ago

    This makes me wish I knew more about birds, so very well done!

  • D.K. Shepard5 months ago

    Great bird inspired piece! Loved the line about grackles “Abhorred for their bold parking lot begging”

  • Test5 months ago

    Awe-inspiring work! Keep up the remarkable effort—congrats!

  • Test5 months ago

    lovin g the bird 'thing' Felt the freedom and beauty of flight , along with hope for the new season -How cool that the Mockingbird is the leader not the follower!

  • Your lyrical homage to birds as seasonal messengers offers a novel viewpoint on the cycles of the natural world and the splendor of the avian kingdom.

  • Melissa Ingoldsby5 months ago

    Your poem evoked something about my own trauma that I felt was strangely helpful, great work ☝️💓

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Gorgeous nature poem!!! "Birds of a feather flock together." Love it!!!♥️♥️💕

  • Caroline Craven5 months ago

    Oh I love this. I’m not sure I can pinpoint the exact time I became obsessed with the birds on my feeder…… but it’s happened! This was so lovely and makes me long for Spring.

  • Lamar Wiggins5 months ago

    I love watching birds, wish I did it more often. Owls are my favorite, but you rarely see them. I think the last time I saw one was at least 5 years ago. Loved your poem, Dana. It was vivid and full of wonder. Lol on "might be some ducks coming" I say, bring 'em on.

  • Shirley Belk5 months ago

    Dana, you made me stop and think. Harbingers....those that come first...totally amazing that birds all have a built-in calendar of when to do what. Who tells them? Are the perfect food sources there for them specifically at that time? Why do the other birds wait? I find it hard not to believe they hear the voice of God.

  • This was so beautifully wonderful and I cannot wait for your piece on ducks!!

  • JBaz5 months ago

    Nothing wrong with a good duck story Ah, the Grackles! Are they like the North American crow?

Dana CrandellWritten by Dana Crandell

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