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Friends Forever

The unbreakable bond.

By Baibhav BhattaraiPublished about a month ago 1 min read

In the tapestry of life, where colors blend,

There's a thread of friendship, on which we depend.

A bond unbreakable, through storm and strife,

Guiding us through the journey of life.

In laughter shared, and tears embraced,

In moments cherished, friendships are traced.

Through trials faced and dreams pursued,

True friends stand strong, their love renewed.

In times of darkness, they're a guiding light,

A beacon of hope in the darkest night.

They lift us up when we fall,

And walk beside us, through it all.

With open hearts and souls laid bare,

In friendship's warmth, we find solace there.

For in the garden of life, friendships bloom,

Forever weaving love's sweet perfume.

So here's to friends, both near and far,

The guiding stars that light our heart.

May our bonds endure, forever true,

In the timeless dance of me and you.

childrens poetry

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