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Finding the Light For Your Life !


By Tech NavinPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Poem 1

In this life that we live, we often forget

The beauty around us, the moments we've met

We rush through our days, and forget to see

The beauty that lies in the world around thee

We're lost in our screens, our minds are elsewhere

We're blinded by stress, and the burdens we bear

We miss out on laughter, we miss out on smiles

We miss out on love, and the joys of life's miles

But in the quiet moments, when we're still and we're calm

We see the world's wonders, and we're no longer qualm

We see the stars in the sky, and the moon up high

We hear the whispers of the wind, and the birds that fly

We see the beauty in nature, in the flowers and trees

We feel the warmth of the sun, and the coolness of the breeze

We see the love in others, in their kindness and care

We feel the joy in our hearts, and the peace that we share

We realize in those moments, that life is a gift

That we must cherish each day, and make the most of it

We must see the world's wonders, and the beauty that lies

We must feel the love in our hearts, and the joy in our eyes

So let us take a moment, to breathe and to be

To see the world's beauty, and the moments we'll see

Let us cherish each day, and the people we meet

Let us feel the love in our hearts, and the joy in our feet

For life is a journey, that we must travel with care

We must see the world's wonders, and the moments we'll share

We must embrace each other, and the love that we bring

We must cherish each moment, and the joy that it'll bring

So let us be present, and let us be true

To ourselves and to others, in all that we do

Let us live life to the fullest, and make the most of it all

For the beauty of life, is in the moments we recall.


This poem speaks to the idea that we often get so caught up in the busyness of life that we forget to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. We become so preoccupied with our screens, our stresses, and our worries that we miss out on the simple joys of life like laughter, love, and the beauty of nature.

The poem urges us to take a moment to step back, breathe, and truly see the world around us. In those quiet moments, we can appreciate the wonders of the natural world like the stars in the sky, the whisper of the wind, and the birds that fly. We can also see the kindness and care that others bring to our lives, and we can feel the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze.

The poem reminds us that life is a gift, and that we must cherish each day and make the most of it. We must take the time to see the beauty in the world and to feel the love and joy that surround us. It encourages us to be present and true to ourselves and to others, to embrace each other, and to cherish each moment.

Ultimately, this poem is a call to live life to the fullest and to make the most of the moments we have. It is a reminder that life is not just about the big events, but about the small moments that we recall and treasure forever.

Poem 2

Title: Finding the Light

The world can be a dark and daunting place

Full of twists and turns that we must face

We stumble through the shadows, lost and blind

Searching for a light that we may never find

But still, we journey on, through storm and strife

For hope is the spark that gives us life

A beacon in the night, shining bright

Guiding us towards a better life

Sometimes the path we tread is steep and rough

And we may falter, we may feel we’ve had enough

But in our darkest moments, we must believe

That there is a way, a light that we can receive

It may come in unexpected ways

A simple smile, a kind word, a warm embrace

It may come from a stranger, or a friend

But its warmth will guide us, to the very end

The light can be found in the beauty of the earth

In the quiet moments of our daily worth

It can be found in the laughter of a child

Or in the embrace of someone who makes us feel worthwhile

It can be found in the bravery of the human soul

The courage to stand up, to make ourselves whole

It can be found in the love we share

The bonds we create, the moments we dare

And so we journey on, with hope in our hearts

Knowing that even when the road is dark

There is a light, a way to find our way

To a brighter future, to a better day

For every challenge we face, every trial and test

Is an opportunity for growth, for us to be our best

And with the light to guide us, we can find our way

To a future that is bright, to a brand new day

So let us embrace the light, let us hold it dear

Let it guide us through the darkness, let it calm our fear

For in the light, we find the strength to be

The very best version of ourselves, the best that we can be.


The poem "Finding the Light" is an inspiring work that encourages readers to keep moving forward in life despite its challenges. It suggests that there is always a way to find hope, and that the search for light and positivity is worth it.

The opening lines set the tone for the rest of the poem, describing the world as a dark and daunting place. However, the following lines offer a glimmer of hope and suggest that, even in the darkest times, there is a light to be found. The poem speaks to the human desire for hope and the importance of finding it in order to move forward.

The lines, "For hope is the spark that gives us life / A beacon in the night, shining bright / Guiding us towards a better life" emphasizes the importance of hope in our lives. Hope provides the motivation to keep going and to believe in a better tomorrow.

The poem then acknowledges that the journey to find the light can be challenging. The lines, "Sometimes the path we tread is steep and rough / And we may falter, we may feel we’ve had enough" describe the difficult times that we may face in life. However, the poem suggests that even in these moments, we must believe that there is a way to find light.

The lines, "It may come in unexpected ways / A simple smile, a kind word, a warm embrace / It may come from a stranger, or a friend / But its warmth will guide us, to the very end" reminds us that light can come from anywhere, and that we should be open to receiving it in any form.

The poem also suggests that light can be found in everyday moments, such as in the beauty of the earth or in the laughter of a child. It reminds readers to appreciate the small things in life that can bring joy and positivity.

The lines, "And so we journey on, with hope in our hearts / Knowing that even when the road is dark / There is a light, a way to find our way / To a brighter future, to a better day" reinforces the idea that hope should always be present in our lives, even during the darkest of times.

The poem concludes by encouraging readers to embrace the light and to let it guide them through life's challenges. It suggests that, with the light to guide us, we can be the best versions of ourselves and can create a bright future.

Overall, "Finding the Light" is a powerful poem that speaks to the human desire for hope and positivity. It encourages readers to keep searching for light and to embrace it when it is found. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a way forward, and that hope should always be present in our lives.

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