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Father's love is Eternal

Father; symbol of Love

By Bharath KumarPublished 11 months ago 1 min read

In the realm of love, a beacon bright,

There shines a force, like celestial light.

A guiding presence, both firm and kind,

A father's love, forever intertwined.

From the first breath, he cradles us near,

A tender touch, wiping every tear.

With arms wide open, he embraces our fears,

A fortress of strength to dry our tears.

Through sleepless nights and weary days,

He toils and labors in countless ways.

His sacrifices, both seen and unseen,

A testament to love that's evergreen.

In childhood's realm, he becomes our guide,

Teaching us lessons, side by side.

With patience, he imparts wisdom's glow,

Molding our spirits, helping us grow.

He's the voice of reason, the voice of care,

His words a balm, healing wounds we bear.

His laughter echoes, contagious and true,

A symphony of joy, his love imbued.

Through triumphs and stumbles, he stands by our side,

An unwavering presence, a pillar of pride.

His belief in us, an unwritten decree,

That we can conquer all we aspire to be.

In moments of darkness, he brings the light,

A beacon of hope, banishing the night.

His love knows no boundaries, no measure or weight,

Forever and always, it transcends time and fate.

So let us celebrate the love he imparts,

The love that resides in our very hearts.

For a father's love, like a flame so pure,

Is a treasure unmatched, forever secure.

In this ode to fathers, let our voices ring,

Grateful hearts soaring, as we sweetly sing,

Of the love that shapes us, a gift from above,

The boundless, eternal, unwavering father's love.

childrens poetrylove poems

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