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Eternal Flames of Love

Burning Brighter Than the Stars Above

By ik dogenPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Eternal Flames of Love
Photo by Wesley Balten on Unsplash

Verse 1:

In your eyes, I see a spark

That ignites a flame within my heart

A passion that burns brighter than the sun

A love that's just begun


Eternal flames of love

Burning brighter than the stars above

A love that will never fade

Forever and always, we will be saved

Verse 2:

Our hearts beat as one

Our love, a journey just begun

Together we will face all storms

Our love, forever warm


Eternal flames of love

Burning brighter than the stars above

A love that will never fade

Forever and always, we will be saved

Verse 3:

Our love, a fire that will never die

A flame that will always fly

High above the darkest night

Shining bright, a beacon of light


Eternal flames of love

Burning brighter than the stars above

A love that will never fade

Forever and always, we will be saved

Verse 4:

Together we will walk hand in hand

Through the trials of life, we'll stand

Our love, a bond that cannot be broken

Forever, our hearts will be spoken


Eternal flames of love

Burning brighter than the stars above

A love that will never fade

Forever and always, we will be saved


Our love, an eternal flame

Burning bright, with no shame

A love that will last forevermore

Eternal flames of love, we adore.

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About the Creator

ik dogen

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