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Embracing Life's Brilliance

Rise and Shine

By Melania J.L.Published 4 months ago 1 min read

Rise and shine, embrace the light

Let the warmth of the sun ignite

A fire within, a spark of hope

For a day filled with endless scope

The world is yours, so bright and bold

With endless possibilities to behold

Each moment, a chance to thrive

To spread your wings and truly thrive

Embrace the brilliance of life's shine

Let it guide you, let it be your sign

To live each day with gratitude

And let your heart be filled with fortitude

For in the darkest of nights

The sun will always rise and shine bright

Reminding us that no matter what

Life's brilliance will never be shut

So rise and shine, with open arms

Embrace the day and all its charms

Let the beauty of life surround you

And let its radiance truly astound you

Embrace the laughter, embrace the tears

For they all add to life's unique veneers

And in the end, when all is said and done

May your life be a masterpiece, beautifully spun

So rise and shine, and seize the day

Embrace the moments, come what may

For life is a journey, a beautiful ride

Embrace its brilliance, let it be your guide.

Thank you for reading!

FamilyMental Healthinspirational

About the Creator

Melania J.L.

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