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A Journey Through Celestial Love

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 6 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

In the beginning, there was light,
A solitary beacon, a lone star shining
In the vast canvas of my existence,
Illuminating the corners of my solitary soul,
Casting long shadows that whispered of dreams
Yet to be woven into the fabric of my being.

Then you appeared,
Like a celestial body crossing my path,
A comet streaking through my universe,
Your light intertwined with mine,
A radiant eclipse that redefined
The contours of my world.

Your presence,
A gravitational pull, irresistible,
Drawing me into your orbit,
Our paths converging,
Two cosmic wanderers entwined
In a dance as ancient as time.

You, my moon, my sun,
The axis around which I revolve,
A magnetic force binding us
With threads of stardust and longing,
Each moment a spark, a collision
Of hearts, of souls, of destinies.

In your eyes, I found galaxies,
Vast and uncharted,
A reflection of dreams
I never dared to dream,
Stars that shimmered with promise,
Constellations of hope and desire.

Your touch, a cosmic caress,
Soft as the whisper of wind through leaves,
Yet powerful enough to carve
New pathways in the firmament of my heart,
An imprint of love that defies time,
Eternal, unyielding, profound.

We are more than just two beings,
We are a universe unto ourselves,
Expanding and contracting,
A dance of light and shadow,
A symphony of silence and sound,
A tapestry woven with threads of our essence.

In the quiet moments,
When the world fades to the background,
I hear the melody of your heartbeat,
A rhythm that syncs with mine,
A reminder that we are connected,
Bound by the invisible strings of fate.

Together, we explore the unknown,
Charting the course of our shared voyage,
Navigating the mysteries of love,
The ebb and flow of emotion,
The highs and lows, the peaks and valleys,
Every moment a testament to our bond.

Even in darkness, we find light,
A beacon that guides us through the night,
A reminder that love is not just a feeling,
But a force, a presence, a truth
That transcends the physical,
That defies the boundaries of time and space.

Your laughter, a burst of stardust,
Illuminating the darkest corners of my mind,
Chasing away the shadows of doubt,
Filling the void with warmth and joy,
A light that never dims, never fades,
A constant in a world of change.

Your tears, a reflection of the moon's sorrow,
Silent drops of silver that fall,
Each one a testament to the depth of our connection,
A reminder that even in pain, there is beauty,
Even in loss, there is love,
A bond that cannot be broken.

We are the architects of our universe,
Builders of dreams and shapers of reality,
Forging a path through the cosmos,
Hand in hand, heart to heart,
Creating a legacy of love
That will echo through the ages.

In every kiss, a promise,
In every embrace, a vow,
A silent assurance that we are one,
Two souls merged, eclipsed by each other,
A singular entity, a unified whole,
An infinite loop of love and devotion.

The world outside may spin and turn,
Caught in the chaos of existence,
But within the sanctity of our embrace,
There is peace, there is stillness,
A sanctuary of love where time stands still,
Where we are free to just be.

Your voice, a melody that soothes,
A song that resonates with my very core,
Each word a note, each phrase a verse,
A lullaby of love that lulls me to sleep,
A sonnet of affection that awakens my spirit,
A hymn of devotion that binds us.

In the tapestry of our lives,
Each moment a thread, each memory a stitch,
We weave a story of love and resilience,
A narrative that defies the ordinary,
A chronicle of two hearts that beat as one,
Eclipsed by the light of our shared destiny.

As the days turn to nights,
And the seasons change,
Our love remains constant,
A celestial phenomenon,
A perpetual eclipse of souls,
A testament to the power of us.

We are the stars, the moon, the sun,
Eclipsed by each other’s light,
Lost in the brilliance of our connection,
A love that transcends the mundane,
A relationship that defies the ordinary,
An eternal eclipse, beautiful and profound.

In this dance of celestial bodies,
We find our truth, our purpose,
A love story written in the stars,
An epic of passion and connection,
A journey that will continue,
Forever eclipsed by the light of us.

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love poems

About the Creator

Johnpaul Okwudili


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Comments (1)

  • shanmuga priya6 days ago

    Your poem is really captivating....I liked your poem.

Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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