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Dutiful Vapor

No point in drying off

By Casey CastroPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Dutiful Vapor
Photo by Jack Cohen on Unsplash

I remember a time back when I was but a young sprout breaking from cold hard soil in New York. It was like a tundra out there, dry and boring, the grey sky congealing in my eyes like blood in an open wound. I hated to stare up and see nothing of note but the thin and tired rays of sunlight peaking through just then breaking clouds. However, in all of that ire against the weather of my home, I'd always have at least one thing to look forward to. Every once in a while, my days would be blessed with frigid bullets from ever so saddening clouds. They'd hit my skin and I'd smile, they'd hit my friends and I'd laugh. When they turned the ugly dull concrete beneath my feet to a pepper-like mosaic of trips and falls, it made my day shine brighter than any clear summer sky. I was at peace, the rain hitting my face was peace. All of this was only perpetuated by visiting a beach and the rain landing against the sand. I loved that no place was safe from the whirlwind of calming noise. My hatred subdued for a time while I enjoyed that feeling beneath the crying sky. This, this is my motivation. I want to keep the sky alive, to keep the ground beneath me churning, and to see to it that humanity believes in this magnificent portrait we call Earth. To cut down on my littering, my waste of perfectly good recyclables. To save this planet. Its the least I owe to beauty abound. So, I plan to reduce my contribution to landfills through consistent maintaining of a recycling schedule. I plan to calm my littering and clear up the oceans when I can, if I can. I will donate to causes that fit my ideals after doing ample research on their true contribution to the cause. I just hope to see my peppered sidewalks again, with no fear that it'll end.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Casey Castro

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    CCWritten by Casey Castro

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