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Deeply loved people, can not forget, can not let go

The lover who can't forget

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 4 min read


Who's life has no story, whose story is not twisted? In the twists and turns of the story, love is the eternal theme.

The fact is that you will find a lot of people who have been in love for a long time, even if they have suffered a lot of grievances and sorrows, they are still looking forward to loving and still retain a different kind of tenderness for the people they have loved.

It is said that the world is cold, people are fickle, and the most difficult thing in a relationship is eternal. However, some people are obsessed with love, and love is for life, even if they are not destined to be together, they will be in their hearts for life.

A friend, who thought she was spontaneous by nature, could not be emotionally tied, see others trapped by love, she said she could not understand, always said: "To the point? Love together, do not love to break up, how big a deal, what is good to tangle?"

But later, she fell in love with a person, only to finally understand that the so-called spontaneous is not a deep love, if you love someone, simply can not do it spontaneously.

She has always been noble and arrogant, and because of that relationship has changed a lot, but also endured a lot, but in the end, it ended badly. The person she loved left her and married someone else.

According to her personality, she should have let go of the relationship, but she was already deep in it and wanted to let go, but could not. She tried to restrain herself from thinking about him, but she still unconsciously fell into thoughts, and sometimes even tried to contact him, just to hear his voice.

The person who has loved deeply, can not forget, can not let go, time may be able to heal the pain, but can not shelve the heartfelt thoughts.


You have also changed yourself for someone?

The original you, proud and confident, never easily bowed to anyone, but since meeting him, you put down your pride, put down your personality, and began to him as the center, emotions also fluctuate because of him.

You feel less confident than before, and even some inferiority complex, afraid that they are not good enough, or say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, make him unhappy.

The fact is that you are not used to seeing humble love, but when you love a person, you are unconsciously becoming humble.

It is said that true love is humble, because too much care, can not let each other suffer a little bit, rather than their own suffer more.

The fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. If you have not been humble, it only means that you have not been loved.

In this life, there will always meet a person who makes your heart willingly. The fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. Even if you have hurt and resentment between you, with time, you are most impressed, or he was once good.

You will miss the tenderness he once gave you, and will cherish the traces of love he left behind. The past between you, hidden in the depths of the years, while hidden deep in your heart, never forgotten, never put down.


The lovey-dovey is always hurt by heartlessness. If you do not want to be a dashing and comfortable person, not to be trapped by love, not to be hurt by love.

The fact is that you can't get a good deal on your own. Once you have moved your heart and given your true feelings, it is impossible to go back to the way it was at the beginning, nothing matters.

You will not be able to help but miss, somehow sad. He is good to you, you will be full of joy; he is not good to you, and you will be incredibly sad ......

Some people are very lucky, although through setbacks, eventually as they wish, with the beloved one to repair the fruit, from then on live happily together.

Unfortunately, most people are not able to get together with the one they love the most, for different reasons, it is difficult to say. If I must say, it is just a "fate but no separation".

People who have a destiny, even if they love each other deeply, are not destined to be together.

The only thing you can't do together is to put it in your heart. For the rest of your life, each good, silent thought.

Never force yourself to forget, or put down, that will only be counterproductive. The reason is that people who have loved deeply are destined to become attached to life, never forgetting, and can not let go.

The fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. The fact that you can't forget, you can't let go, you can't let go, leave good in the heart, why not another kind of happiness?

love poems

About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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