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Dear Progress

An epistolary poem about how time influence our lives

By Aleksandra Orbeck Published about a year ago 1 min read
Dear Progress
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Dear Progress,

I don’t think I ever told you,

but I had a relationship with Time once.

Time ruled my world, it was just him and me,

and I did not want to miss a second of us.

We had such a great time together,

but there were never enough hours.

Time was always so precise,

he was almost ahead of time.

And I was always a bit behind

I thought I had all the time in the world.

Immortal perhaps?

He would often tell me to hang on a minute,

to move faster or slower,

and work on my timing.

He often said that I was ungrateful,

and that I should be more grateful for the gift of time.

I wanted to kill Time,

But then I suddenly got scared...

What if Time kills me first?

So I called it a day and asked if we could be friends instead.

He agreed, but only if he could control day and night on Earth.

I smiled at him and said yes,

because I knew that there will always be moments

when I can make Time stand still.

Lots of love,

From Self-love

surreal poetrylove poemsinspirational

About the Creator

Aleksandra Orbeck

I'm an actress, filmmaker and creative activist, who has fought to protect wildlife, walked 1490 km across Namibia, and worked side by side with one of the world’s oldest indigenous peoples - the San people, for more than ten years.

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