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Dear best friend


By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Dear best friend
Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Dear best friend,

Good evening my dear! Your picture was gorgeous. Beautiful smile and lovely, bright eyes. The Arnold Palmer drink is non-alcoholic and I buy it from this sandwich shop. It's very yummy and refreshing. Lemonade and tea mixed half and half!

Also... Damn!!!! That was a sign. Meeting your partner finally because God sends them(from ur prayer)... And Z is below!!! Wowwwee. That's a crazy huge sign. I feel that's important, and I'm glad you saw it.

If I could revisit one time in my life it would be when I was 9. I think I was happy then. Fishing with my dad. Movies with my mom. Playing dolls or toys or jumping off the stairs with my sisters. Family vacations. No worries. No cares. Swimming at my aunts house👏 Bbq and fried fish.

What about you? I'd love to know your answer.

It's good you revised a chapter. A little deep intense work goes a long way. I understand why you don't wanna finish it. That's why there can be a series!! Lol but seriously, it's hard to say goodbye to someone or something you worked so hard on, I think. All your characters and your world you built. It's a part of you, that's how I feel. I am still working on the end of my India chapter. She's hard to express, too. She has a lot of trauma and abuse she dealt with. I'll figure her out soon.

My moving plans are still in the works. Most likely in the next few weeks. Still need to make sure my place that I am moving to is secure and that I will have the funds necessary to move. I will be more sure hopefully in the next week or two when the exact date will be. My kids are definitely more prepared but it'll be a complicated thing nonetheless. I'll keep you updated. I can't wait!!!!

Talk to you soon 💕

Love, Melissa


Dear best friend,

Good morning my dear. I woke up with a terrible headache, and have been sleeping up until now, unfortunately. I'm sorry for the delay. I'm so very happy and appreciative you got the app and thank you for reading my story! I am glad you like it so far! (I sent this letter 4 hours ago but the purgatory sent it back and it's been hell trying to get it to you I'm sorry!)

The chapter about the mutated zombie that dared to dream is not Bexley. It's someone else. The story within the story is about a woman was immortal because of the flowers she wore but everyone feared her for her beauty and powers. Eventually she gave up her immortality for true love even if it eventually would give her pain. The end was losing her loved one's by death. The mutated zombie made up this story, but she is in a similar situation.

I loved your recounting of memories. The one's with your children are always the best, and so very important and special! I definitely agree 💕🥰 and I understand what you meant by how you felt you returned to writing and the excitement you felt! This is something I remember too. And reading... The greatest joy! Especially the first time discovering a book that was amazing and you can really deeply immerse yourself in, and feel safe and secure in. And the first time you met Z, from how you described it, sounds like a extra sensory dream of wonder! I understand and appreciate that! Very lovely.

My greatest regret is staying with the raven so long. I don't regret my kids. But that's mainly it. That pain and misery was long lasting. What's your regrets?

Thank you again for reading my book my dear! I hope my explanation made sense! Lol

I am still nauseas and have a lingering migraine but it's better now. I'm going to rest and take a shower.

Love you🌟



Words: 307


About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos,

I am Bexley by Resurgence Novels

The Half Paper Moon on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella The Job and Atonement will be published this year by JMS Books

Carnivorous published by Eukalypto

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  • Gina C.11 months ago

    Another charming exchange between friends! 🥹❤️ Love these so much. Also, I hope the headache is better 🥹❤️

  • Blessings, my friend. Be well.

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