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for those who feel alone

By Kristina White Published 3 years ago 2 min read
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

The mind is such a complex thing, twists and turns to get lost within. You this way or that and Always the same, start over again and remain.

Look to the heart for a path to follow, only darkness there for it as shattered. Only the light can set you free, but where o where can the light be?

Sat in silence with all my pain, no one to talk to, for I chased them away. I wanted on my own so I made it be, here in the darkness there is no one but me.

I thought there would always be someone there, but I guess after everything, they were done. Now I think back on what could have been, they wanted to help yet, I made them run.

I lost everything to the darkness within, and now alone I stand, with no where to run. I wanted to be better, I wanted to fit in, just no one left to fit in with.

My mind is a prison for which there is no escape, the paths I follow just end up with hate. I try and try to connect with someone, but I could not for I was disconnected from myself.

There was no thought and no real reason why, I decided to say good-bye. No more pain, or sorrow will I feel, fore on to the next where darkness can heal. No more love, no more hate, no more sadness, to make me ache. The darkness came and took my hand, led me to another path I couldn't withstand.

My loved ones, I thought would be free from me, Better off without even one care. I glance back to see what's behind and I see them all crying because I left them behind. Regret is now what entered my world, they were always there. My darkness placed a veil upon my eyes and I could not see. The love I sought were in so many for me.

Too late for return to gather them up, hug them just once to put them at ease, I go now to where the darkness leads. Led down the path I now wish I hadn't. I caused them great pain, who would have thought it. Too late to turn around as my breath goes away, such sorrow is what I have made.

Darkness comes and takes it's final hold, whispers sweet words I had never been told. I want to fight and return once more, the torture I caused is too much to bare. I thought I was free by the choice I had made, but the ones left behind will forever feel bad.

This little story is for anyone who has ever thought about ending their darkness within. You don't think about the ones left behind and it is not fair. You are not alone in this world even if you feel you are. They have people to help you through. Family, friends, hotlines. Someone is there. Reach out if you feel the need. Please don't let the darkness win.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Kristina White

writing since 13 but now trying to for-fill my dream of using words to help others

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