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Charcoal Blueberry Sunny Raindrop

Charcoal Blueberry Sunny Raindrop

By Tanea HillPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I remembered the day the old man sat on the milk crates.

His eyes were low and gray with diamond dust specks of blue from sanding wood.

His name was Sam,

Every morning he would set up his crates and sit near the abandoned gas station that he once owned.

He usually started his morning off by hosing the parking lot,

As soon as the cement dried,

He would wash the gas pumps and squeeze the lever, but no luck he thought.

Today would be a year since the bombing occurred.

A whole year that he had been on earth all by himself, without a soul.

Sam gazed across the way at his crops.

He had spent the whole year growing fruits and vegetables hoping to have a visitor.

The whole country had been wiped out in a blast and he had been left in this lonely world.

Today would be his last day coming here and hoping for a visitor, he thought.

Today he would finally give up on living.

As he walked through the crops a visitor appeared.

Startled by the male figure,

Sam began to realize the male figure resembled him in his younger days.

When the male figure was near, Sam realized he was meeting his fate.

The male approached Sam stating he was a clone of him, when he was younger.

The clone stated that he and Sam must go back in time and change the past for the future of the world.

The clone insisted that Sam had a heart shaped locket that needed to be opened so it could unleash powers to fight the evils of the future.

Sam was pleased that the clone had come,

He smiled at the clone as he offered him an overgrown blueberry on a napkin, with a splash of whip cream and a mini fork.

Eat up and then I will give you the locket he said, as he pulled the locket from underneath his t-shirt..

When the clone finished the juicy blueberry, Sam handed him the heart shaped locket.

This is what kept me alive during the blast, Sam stated.

The clone was amazed by the beauty of the locket.

It looked to have egyptian hieroglyphics and english inscriptions on it.

Sam and the clone held hands for a moment and meditated for a second before opening the locket.

Suddenly a charcoal grey dust cloud appeared

Trees begin to wither

Leaves were dried and crumpled

A tornado cloud swept them to the

Dow stock exchange

A giant clock hung above us with

Numbers running

Atm machines released red stamped currency that read:no value

Suddenly the earth was spinning beneath our feet

Deceased animals now skeletons lay across the fields

Oceans now thirsty

The fish turned purple

The clone grabbed Sam's hand as they entered the Dow building.

The two went to the 30th floor of the skyscraper.

In a small art room filled with plaques and statues laid open a vault with a gigantic key.

The clone looked at Sam and stated that he must return the locket and place it beside the key.

You must never touch this vault again, stated the clone.

Sam placed the locket inside of the vault and closed it.

Suddenly the Dow office was filled with his co-workers.

Numbers were running

Clocks were turning

Men and women with suits and high heels were laughing

The world had been restored and Sam was himself again.

Sam stepped outside.

The streets were busy and overcrowded in New York.

He felt a raindrop fall from the sky and splashed his forehead

He prayed for another raindrop to splash his forehead as he had become dehydrated.

Suddenly he felt a bottle of water in his bag.

Sam took a drink as he laid across the bus stop bench, hoping for another gigantic raindrop

to splash his forehead.

Suddenly, he noticed a gigantic blueberry with whip cream and a mini fork.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Tanea Hill


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