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Answer me

Only you can do

By Nazli CanPublished about a month ago 1 min read
Answer me
Photo by Julia Kicova on Unsplash

Bread, with each touch, becomes a haven,

Lentil soup, with its enveloping aroma,

Finds its place in my child's heart as a friend, a companion.

This union, a masterpiece of comfort.

Each bite, a journey into longing, a discovery,

A secret escape in the silent sharing with you.

Lemon, squeezed by my mother's hands,

Laid upon an old plate,

The clang of a metal spoon, echoing joy in simplicity.

Dipping bread into you,

As if each dip, each blend of flavors,

Created a symphony on my tongue,

A moment of pure bliss, unnoticed yet profound.

Was I loved?

Was I embraced?

Did they listen?

Did I ever love myself?

Or was my existence merely blended into you,

Like bread into soup, seamlessly, entirely?

In every whispered command of 'Eat here and be quiet,'

Each morsel became a rebirth, silencing the storms within,

In our silent dialogues, I found a way to express myself,

You understood my emotional hunger,

Quietly standing by with patience and love.

And now, after so long, we reunite,

Together again, I'm at peace with my childhood self,

Hand reaching out for a warm bowl of soup, realizing:

You were not just sustenance, but a guide on my journey.

Reconnecting with you addresses the emotional void

Left from childhood,

Today, your kindness and understanding wrap around it,

Lentil soup and bread,

Transcending memories to become a friend of the present,

Becoming a salve for the heart, a peace for the soul.

And now I ponder, was growing up supposed to be hard?

I pose this question to you, my ever-present listener,

For in the solace of your consistency, I will found answers,

Not just in words, but in the warmth shared

Between spoonfuls of lentil soup and slices of bread.

Mental Healthsad poetryperformance poetrylove poems

About the Creator

Nazli Can

She is alive and every day she realizes how much life is worth living.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (3)

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  • Manisha Dhalaniabout a month ago

    Lovely - and I love how you mentioned emotional hunger in this.

  • ROCK about a month ago

    Love and lentils go a long way; beautiful stew. Newly subscribed.

  • Anna about a month ago

    This was so sophisticated and emotional! I loved you poem! Well done!😊

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