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A Mother's Love

Mother's Love

By Nathan WeissPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Mother's Love
Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

A mother's love is like no other,
It's unconditional, strong, and true.
It's a bond that's formed from the start,
And lasts forever through and through.

From the moment of birth, a mother's love,
Is a gift that's freely given.
It's a love that's pure and selfless,
And makes life worth living.

A mother's love is patient and kind,
It's a constant source of comfort and care.
It's a love that's always there,
No matter what life may bring or bear.

A mother's love is gentle and nurturing,
It's a warm embrace that soothes all pain.
It's a love that's faithful and enduring,
A love that will always remain.

Through sleepless nights and endless days,
A mother's love endures and never fades.
It's a love that's never-ending,
And always there to guide our ways.

A mother's love is forgiving and accepting,
It's a love that covers all mistakes.
It's a love that's unconditional,
And never asks for anything in return or takes.

A mother's love is brave and courageous,
It's a love that stands strong and fearless.
It's a love that conquers all challenges,
And never loses hope or becomes cheerless.

A mother's love is a gift from above,
It's a treasure that's priceless and rare.
It's a love that's given freely,
And showers blessings and kindness everywhere.

So if you ever doubt a mother's love,
Just remember all the times she's been there.
For no matter what life may bring,
A mother's love will always care.

It's a love that's pure, unadulterated,
And it will never fade nor die.
For a mother's love is eternal,
And will always be your guiding sky.

In the end, a mother's love will triumph,
Over all the challenges that we must face.
It's a love that's unwavering and unchanging,
And nothing on earth can ever replace.

So let us be grateful and cherish,
This love that's given so freely.
For a mother's love is a true blessing,

love poems

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