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5 Muses

Elegies and odes, and a haiku! For me, and for you.

By Matt B.Published 10 months ago 2 min read

This is a collage (because all poems are pictures) made up of 5 pieces: 2 odes, 2 elegies, and a haiku.

I consider all works here to be strongly related and it is definitely impossible to understand each one individually without the whole picture: they tell a story.

With inspiration; that of the tropical panorama of Costa Rica and El Salvador.

First Contemplation


To the imponent mountains of Costa Rica: Atlas, Rise!

Oh fathomless mountains

That look from above

Sublime and superior to the flattened below,

Hear my cry:


I tell you: Rise Up!

You are chained Atlas

Waiting for death’s call


Oh fathomless mountains

That look from above

You have reached a higher truth

Don’t let your trail be held nor soothe


I tell you: Rise Up!

Before mankind be brave

Terror from above to whoever climbing you dares


From its hand avert your green

Oh fathomless mountains

Only you can keep our hell within

I tell you: Rise Up!

Second Loss


To this lost ship: Time has a way of taking time

Ours is a beautiful rose

That when withered

I will gladly remove


Ours shines with beautiful calm

Everlasting awaits a kiss on the clock

But inside that mouth, a truth hides:

Nothing lasts forever, not even this lie


And I patiently wait for that ending call

I know it is soon to come

Ours is a passing love

For you, my femme fatale.

First Loss


To my tacit lover: In your eyes I see the hunger, and the desperate cry

Damné you, who do not pay attention

But your eyes speak like the sunset:

At the end of your opaque sky,

There is light, that of a star


You are holding on to me

But in your words, you hide the truth

And you leave me wanting so much

So much wanting; so much you


And in the end, it is an illusion

Of the contrasts, the true one is the dark

How sad when the sunset, I analyzed!


And I saw the Sun as Moon,

Lone as Hope,

But not your fire

As love.

Second Contemplation

Oh, Butterfly

To that eerie fairy: Don't you play your games with me

Oh, Butterfly!

How delightful you are when by the rose you sight

You inspire mankind, thousand prose muse you are


Oh, your delicate wings!

That in the air an evil aura they sing

Seductive butterfly, when does your dance stop its fling?


Oh, your thousand eyes!

That are only one in disguise

The world as a whole, bounded by your size




Oh, the pretty flowers!

That she, Butterfly, empowers

She forgets to be coquette when their smell her wings encounters


(But above all)


Oh, your poor new friend!

That wishes, as a butterfly like you,

Come soon to an end.



To the lost and never found: fürchtet euch nicht! (Fear not)

Mutter, Mutter, you

Have found us in the darkness.

Mutter. Mutter: you.


PD: I referred to a bunch of song lyrics in the blockquotes, here they are, in order:

"Atlas, Rise!" - Metallica

"In My Darkest Hour" - Megadeth

"Wasting Love" - Iron Maiden

"Evil Woman" - Black Sabbath

"Sonne" - Rammstein

nature poetryvintagesurreal poetrysad poetrylove poemsinspirationalheartbreakart

About the Creator

Matt B.


Life demands creation.

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