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Why you should dream

Dreams keeps you on alert

By Sylvester Phoenix Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Why you should dream
Photo by Mathilda Khoo on Unsplash

Dreaming is a natural and essential part of our everyday lives. It is a universal experience that takes place during sleep, and everyone, regardless of age, gender, or culture, experiences it. While most people associate dreaming with vivid imagery and perplexing stories, dreams serve a more profound purpose in shaping our emotional and mental well-being. In this article, we will highlight the reasons why dreaming is essential and why you should never underestimate its importance.

“A dream gives us hope for the future, and it also brings us power in the present. It makes it possible for us to prioritize everything we do. A person who has a dream knows what he is willing to give up in order to go up.

1. Dreams help us process emotions

Dreams are essential in processing and regulating emotions. They allow us to re-live and process our experiences, emotions, and beliefs in a safe and controlled environment. In a dream, we can experience all sorts of emotions, from joy and happiness to sadness and grief. These emotions are brought to the surface, allowing us to process and cope with them effectively. As a result, dreams can alleviate anxiety and help us cope with mental illnesses like depression or PTSD.

2. Dreams inspire creativity

Dreams can also inspire creativity and fuel our imagination. Because dreams can be so surreal, they can inspire new ideas and allow us to experience things in ways that we never would've been able to in reality. This is why many artists, writers, and musicians have often looked to their dreams for inspiration.

3. Dreams help us problem-solve

Dreams are also crucial in our ability to solve problems. Many successful people have credited their dreams to some of their most significant ideas and breakthroughs. During sleep, our brains continue to work on unresolved problems and may reveal insights and solutions that we could not otherwise come up with consciously.

4. Dreams help us learn and consolidate memories

Did you know that dreams have an essential role in learning and memory consolidation? When we sleep, our brains convert short-term memory into long-term memory. We process and consolidate what we have learned during the day, categorize our experiences, and perform mental housekeeping. Dreams are vital in this process, as they help us test and manipulate our memories, so as to make them more reliable in the long-term. Dreams often replay old experiences, thereby generating new associations between experiences and helping us solidify these associations.

5. Dreams inspire creativity

Dreams can also inspire creativity and fuel our imagination. Because dreams can be so surreal, they can inspire new ideas and allow us to experience things in ways that we never would've been able to in reality. This is why many artists, writers, and musicians have often looked to their dreams for inspiration.

6. Dreams may reflect our waking lives

Lastly, dreaming can also reveal insights into our waking lives - our problems, our deepest desires, and fears. Dreams are symbolic, and they mirror our everyday experiences, allowing us a way to bring our unconscious thoughts to the surface. They act as a mirror to our emotional and mental well-being, allowing us to examine our emotional state and work on any underlying issues that might be preventing us from living a fulfilling life.

In conclusion, dreams have a vital purpose in our emotional, mental and physical health. They are signs that our brain is still active even during sleep and are a window to our subconscious processes. Pay attention to your dreams, and you may discover insights into the deeper forces driving your life. Dreams can help us manage our emotions, solve problems, consolidate memories, inspire creativity and provide insights into our waking lives. Take advantage of this gift of the universe and start valuing your dreams.

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About the Creator

Sylvester Phoenix

The story of my life is a reference book. Follow me and lets make the world a better place.

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