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Why You Can't Change

Advice to transform yourself

By Precious LeePublished 9 months ago 3 min read

The quote that has resonated deeply with me is, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This statement emphasizes the importance of habits in shaping our existence and taking responsibility for our actions and decisions.

The actions we take every day have a profound impact on our lives. By changing our habits, we have the power to shape our reality and achieve transformation and progress.

I recall a period in my life when I was grappling with deep depression. I felt stuck, unable to escape the relentless grip of negativity. It was during this time that I stumbled upon a video that dissected the idea of change. The speaker challenged the viewers to introspect – were we truly seeking change, or were we merely bemoaning our circumstances while perpetuating the same routines? This question hit me like a jolt of clarity. How could I anticipate my life to shift when I was caught in an unchanging routine of isolation and self-neglect?

It's fascinating how we tend to cling to what we know, even if it doesn't benefit us. We get so used to our daily routines that we avoid anything that feels unfamiliar, uncertain, or difficult. Yet, to truly transform, we must summon the courage to venture into new terrain, challenge ourselves, and embrace discomfort.

The surroundings we live in can greatly impact our drive and motivation. When our aspirations are limited by societal norms and constraints, it can be challenging to break free from those limitations. I personally experienced this and decided to take action by relocating to an environment that fostered innovation and entrepreneurship, allowing me to pursue my dreams.

Our surroundings consist of more than just the places we inhabit; they encompass the individuals we encounter. Relationships that are detrimental can hinder our sense of value and obstruct our advancement. Although it may be challenging, it may be necessary for us to redefine the term "family" to include only those who genuinely inspire and encourage us.

In order to transform, it's important to accept help. Society may perpetuate the myth of self-made individuals, but the truth is we all need support and guidance from others. Seeking assistance is actually a demonstration of humility and a desire to learn, not a sign of weakness.

Remember, change takes time and patience is key. Don't be discouraged by slow progress or setbacks. Keep pushing forward and embrace the journey, as it is essential for lasting change and progress.

One must be willing to leave their comfort zone to experience transformation. Accepting new challenges and opportunities is the key to personal growth. Developing a growth mindset that values the continual development of abilities and intelligence is crucial. This mindset fosters resiliency and teaches the importance of learning from failures.

Make a pledge to continuously learn throughout your life. Interact with fresh concepts, search for guidance from those who inspire you, and join groups that empower you. Encompass yourself with people who motivate advancement and have similar principles to yours.

Having faith in ourselves is essential if we want to bring about change. Sometimes, we tend to question our capabilities and value. However, acknowledging our right to joy, accomplishment, and contentment lays the groundwork for transformation. When we possess an unwavering belief in ourselves, the path toward change becomes evident.

The quote that sparked this reflection reminds us that our habits shape our lives. To achieve a different outcome, we must embrace change, even when it feels uncomfortable or challenging. We have the capacity to redefine our environments, seek help, exercise patience, and ultimately believe in our own potential. Change is not only possible; it is inevitable when we dare to embrace it.

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About the Creator

Precious Lee

Self-help | Life Lessons | Advice

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