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Realize when it's time to let go

Embracing Change and Letting Go

By Precious LeePublished 9 months ago 3 min read

I want to talk about the concept of letting go – recognizing when it's time to release what no longer serves us, and how to do so. The inspiration for this discussion comes from a recent experience helping a friend navigate the process of leaving a job she had been at for years. This is about the importance of recognizing when to let go, understanding manipulation, valuing ourselves, and embracing change.

Recognizing the Need to Let Go:

We all encounter situations in life where it becomes evident that we've outgrown something. My friend's story of feeling stuck in her job and the accompanying misery resonated with many of us. There's a critical lesson here: our future should matter more than our past. This concept aligns with the "Sunk Cost Fallacy," which suggests that we shouldn't base our decisions solely on the time or energy we've invested in something, but rather on its potential for growth and happiness.

Understanding Manipulation:

Manipulation is when words don't match actions, leading to broken promises and dashed hopes. Whether it's a boss promising promotions that never materialize or a partner vowing change without following through, it's essential to recognize manipulation. Words hold little weight without corresponding actions. We must stop putting our faith solely in words and start valuing ourselves enough to demand alignment between promises and actions.

Valuing Yourself:

People often undervalue themselves and settle for less because they believe they can't do any better. It's crucial to realize that what's easy to attain is rarely valued. Whether it's a relationship or a job, if it's easy to obtain, it's unlikely to fulfill you. Value yourself enough to make people prove their intentions through actions. Be it a partner or a company, their actions should match their words – this is the foundation of respect.

Planning Your Exit:

Recognizing the need to let go is the first step, but planning your exit is equally important. If you're in a toxic work environment or an unhealthy relationship, formulate a plan to transition out. Seek alternative job opportunities, establish support networks, or find the resources to empower your exit. Remember, the only way to make space for something better is by releasing what no longer serves you.

Embracing Change and Evolution:

Change can be uncomfortable and chaotic at first. When we leap from our current reality to a new one, there's often a transition period of uncertainty. Embrace this chaos as a natural part of growth. Instead of fearing change, have faith in yourself and the universe. Understand that discomfort is temporary and that you're equipped with the wisdom gained from previous experiences.


Letting go is not a sign of failure; it's an affirmation of your commitment to growth and happiness. The process might be challenging, but it's worth every effort. Remember, your future holds more potential than your past. Recognize manipulation, value yourself, plan your exit, and embrace change. Whether you believe in a higher power or in your own capabilities, have faith that life has remarkable plans for you. Let go, and allow yourself to evolve into the extraordinary person you were meant to be.

If this message resonated with you or if you have your own experiences to share, please leave your thoughts in the comments. Remember, you are strong, capable, and worthy of a life that aligns with your highest aspirations. Sending you all love and positive energy on your journey of letting go and embracing the beautiful changes that await. Always remember to embrace your growth and never stop spreading kindness!

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About the Creator

Precious Lee

Self-help | Life Lessons | Advice

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  • MecAsaf9 months ago

    Excellent work

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