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Why you are the next best thing

You are the first domino

By Esther AmiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels

So many people wait for the perfect moment to act.

You’re not going to find the perfect time, resources, people or idea. And even if you did? It wouldn’t help because you would still need the right strategy. You might be waiting for all of these things to line up before you take action…but more than likely what you are really waiting for is permission from yourself.

If you want to progress in life, business, or anything else—you have to start moving forward with what you have right now! Start small and make it work no matter how big it seems at first. This is why the first domino theory works so well: once we get rolling on something new—even if that something new is only a tiny step in the right direction—our confidence grows which makes us more comfortable taking bigger steps (and then eventually entire leaps) towards our goals and dreams!

The right resources.

The first thing to remember is that no one can do it all alone. You need to be willing to ask for help and let others contribute in the areas where they are strong.

To maximize your chances of success, you need to be clear about what you truly want and how much effort you will put into getting there. If your goal is a 9-5 job but you have no interest in going back to school or taking classes, then setting up an online business might not be the best use of your time and money. And don’t forget: sometimes being honest with ourselves means admitting that we aren’t good at something — but if we know what our strengths are (and aren’t), we can still succeed without doing everything ourselves!

The right people.

In order to succeed, you need the right people in your life.

The right people are those who believe in you and have your best interests at heart. They are willing to help you, take risks with you and support you through the hard times. They also cheerlead for you when things get tough, because they know that when one door closes another opens up for success!

The right strategy.

A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a goal.

It's the art of making choices, and it's not just some fluffy concept you can apply or discard at will. Strategy isn't something that only exists in war games or business meetings—it's all around us and plays an active role in everyone's life every day. Strategy can be found in your choice of words, your decision on what to eat for dinner, even how you decide which route to take when going somewhere new. In fact, according to popular wisdom (and maybe even common sense), once we've experienced enough things in life and learned from them, we develop our own personal strategies for making decisions—or so they say.

But what if there were only one true way? What if there was one perfect method that could unlock the secrets behind successful living? Would this make all other strategies obsolete? Well...maybe not, but let's explore further!

It's such a waste of time and energy---and it's not how progress is made in life, business, or anything else.

It’s like waiting for the perfect moment to start your new diet or exercise program. You can always change direction later on if necessary; there’s no need to wait until everything is “right.” Waiting for the perfect moment means you will never get started on your new diet.

If you're waiting for that perfect moment to act, then you're stuck waiting forever.

The only way to get anything done is to just start. The perfect moment will never come, and if you wait for it, you’ll be waiting forever.

The best time to begin is now!

You don't need the perfect idea, strategy, or circumstances to get started.

It's easy to get paralyzed by the thought of starting something new. How will it be different from what you've already done? Will people like it? What if I fail? But these questions don't really matter, because the only thing that matters is that you start. You don't need the perfect idea, strategy or circumstances to get started. You just need an idea and then a plan for how to get there.

You're not going to figure out all of your ideas and plans at once; you learn as you go along. So drop everything else on your plate for now (or delegate it!), and focus on just this one thing: getting started with one step in front of another until success finds you in whatever form that may take.

You can always change direction later on. But you never get anywhere by waiting for perfection or for "the time to be right."

It's not a question of whether or not you should take the leap, but when. You can always change direction later on. But you never get anywhere by waiting for perfection or for "the time to be right."

The domino effect is a concept that states that

a single event can have multiple effects, and also that these effects are interconnected in ways that are often unexpected

The second part of this equation is exactly why we believe your next step is simple: You are the first domino (or at least one of them). Once you begin your journey, it will inevitably lead to other positive changes in your life—and those around you—because all things are connected in some way, shape or form.

When the timing or conditions do become ideal, then you can use that momentum to propel yourself forward even faster.

You can always change direction later on, so I encourage you to keep your mind open and flexible. You never know when the timing or conditions will become ideal for you to take that next step. When they do, use the momentum from this first domino to propel yourself forward even faster than you could have imagined!


So, if you're waiting for the perfect moment to act, then you're stuck waiting forever. Take action now instead, and you'll see how much progress you can make in just a few days or weeks. Don't wait for the timing or conditions to be ideal, because they never will be---they're always changing anyway! If there's no starting point for you right now, then take one small step forward so that tomorrow doesn't look like today at all---but still feels good enough to keep going.

goalssuccessself help

About the Creator

Esther Ami

Words are powerful and it matters how we use them. I use my words to build and impact, I use my words to lift and inspire. I am a words-person, I love words.

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