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Why We Feel Tense By The Term 'CAREER'?

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By Chewang TamangPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Why We Feel Tense By The Term 'CAREER'?
Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

The term "career" has a big impact on our lives. It includes our professional journey as well as the career and personal growth paths we take. While a career might bring about feelings of tension and anxiety, it also has the potential to bring about growth, success, and fulfilment. Various factors, such as societal expectations, individual aspirations, and the constantly changing nature of work itself, contribute to this tension.

The social pressure to succeed and find security in our careers is one of the main causes of our anxiety. We are taught from a young age that having a rewarding work is necessary for living a happy life. We frequently face pressure to succeed in our chosen professions from our families, friends, and society at large. As we work to achieve these expectations and worry about falling short of societal norms, this pressure can cause anxiety. The pressure surrounding our careers can be increased by the desire to succeed and the fear of failing.

Our own objectives and ambitions are a further cause of conflict in the workplace. We all have aspirations and objectives, and pursuing those objectives is crucially dependent on our professional lives. We might want to accomplish particular goals, generate a certain amount of money, or have a big impact on our industry. Stress and anxiety might be caused by the disconnect between our current situation and these goals. We continually assess our performance, assess how we stack up against others, and question if we are on the correct path to achieving our goals. The anxiety we have regarding our careers may be influenced by our fear of falling short of our own standards.Additionally, the dynamic nature of work in the ever changing world of today adds yet another source of stress to our professions. Uncertainty and insecurity are brought on by technological breakthroughs, automation, and evolving work markets. Skills that were in high demand yesterday might not be needed in the future. This ongoing need to adapt and upskill can be burdensome and induce anxiety about our ability to find employment in the future. The pressure to constantly advance, master new technology, and compete might make us feel under pressure in our careers.

Additionally, the idea of a work-life balance—or the absence thereof—can affect how stressed we feel about our careers. The introduction of technology has made it possible for constant contact, blurring the line between work and personal life. For the sake of our careers, there may be pressure on us to put in long hours of work or sacrifice our personal time. As we try to strike a balance between our personal and professional life, this imbalance can result in burnout, tiredness, and a condition of perpetual tension.

Stress can also be brought on by the worry that one would choose the wrong career path or end up in an unsatisfying position. Many people have reservations and uncertainties about the job routes they have selected. They could wonder if they are in the proper field or if there are other fields with better chances. Significant career-related tension might be caused by the fear of making irreversible decisions or by feeling imprisoned in unfulfilling roles.

In conclusion, the idea of a "career" carries with it the possibility of stress as well as the promise of fulfillment. The stress we experience regarding our professions is a result of a variety of factors, including societal pressure to achieve, individual hopes and desires, the always-changing nature of work, the struggle for work-life balance, and the worry that we may make the wrong decisions. Finding ways to match our employees with our values and objectives, recognizing and addressing these areas of conflict, and placing a high priority on one's own well-being are all vital. We may work towards a more balanced and fruitful professional journey in this way.

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About the Creator

Chewang Tamang

Adventurous gearhead recording with the camera the peace of nature and the rush of the open road. Join me as I explore the ideal combination of vehicles, bicycles, and magnificent scenery.

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