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Why Not Do More?

What We Can Achieve with Motivation

By Maria ZaragosaPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

In life we face many adversities and with each, our character is judged based on how we deal with them. In fact, we're judged based off of pretty much everything, on some things we control, and some things we can't. There are many things we deal with on a daily basis: work, relationships, health, etc. With each of these things we come to face in our routine, we sometimes lose our motivation to pursue more in our lives. Factors such as our environment, the people we're around, and media can make us numb to a pattern. This pattern is one that grows out of routines such as not going to the gym, working at the bare minimum, and isolation. The lives we have, won't last forever and as human beings, we don't know which day will be our last. We should be pushing to do things like improving our personal relationships, putting in the extra hours at work to get that promotion we've dreamt about for weeks, taking a couple hours every other day to improve our physical health, or just getting up and out of the house.

Personally, I've struggled with being more motivated all too long. As a college student, I've failed to take advantage of the fact that I get to choose and manage my own schedule. Instead of spending time at the gym, offering to take up more hours at work, or putting more effort into my relationships, I spent time at home feeling miserably bored. Most of us have similar experiences with these types of things and we try to justify our actions. I started small and worked my way through to the things I grapple with the most. In the past few months, my attitude on life has changed drastically—I find myself sleeping a full 8 hours, my fitness level has increased more than was for the past few years, and I spent more time dedicated to my academics and work life. Accomplishing these things took some self-discipline and it definitely required me to make sacrifices in order to be fully investing in improving myself.

It's amazing what we can do when we take a small amount out of our day to do more. We can be lazy and grow comfort with it, thus slimming the chances of us becoming better. Sure, we can make excuses but the only person you're letting down, is yourself. It's important to plan out your goals, to make clear exactly how you're going to accomplish them, and to give yourself a reasonable timeline to further motivate you. After you stop making excuses for yourself, you'd be amazed as to how far you'll go.

The moral of the story? There are absolutely nothing stopping you to doing more, you are your biggest enemy. You cannot complain about not getting results if you're not trying. This applies to everything, everything you do and face in life requires effort. We are all capable of incredible things, it just takes time finding what we're truly passionate about and skilled at to get in motion with it. The key to jumpstart your motivation is to find a reason why you're doing this to begin with. Whether it be for yourself, your partner, your family etc, this will get you to strategize and it'll inspire you when you imagine the things you'll be able to do after all of the hard work. Start with what you're struggling the most with: Fix your relationship with your friend or partner, work longer and harder to save for a new car or house, focus on your mental health. You have to work your hardest and push yourself past limits to be the person you dream to be.


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