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Why do we choose to be fat?

Everything in life is a choice, whether me admit it or not.

By Josh McCarthyPublished 4 years ago 10 min read

Why do so many struggle to lose weight? Have we just learned to hide our emotions in our food? Eating makes us happy no matter how bad a day we had our favorite comfort food always fills the spot. But at what point does it just become mindless eating? I was 320 pounds and felt horrible every day. If you've ever been fat you know the struggle to just tie your shoes. Out of breath all of the time and always uncomfortable your always thinking of food or losing weight. The struggle is real and once you let yourself go to far the work that must be done is much harder than just saying no to begin with. Why do we continue to punish ourselves and force feed? In my journey to get "healthy" I pretty much tried every diet. With much resolve each of them worked and at the core they all were asking to restrict calories for the most part. In conjunction with working out they all state they are the best diet and the fastest. But time after time and diet after diet you and failure after failure you still keep trying. Deep down you know you need to put in the work but everything you tried so far has failed you. You start to question whether you'll every be skinny or healthy.

Now the two are totally different but always associated together. People assume if you are skinny you are healthy. There are a bunch of skinny sick people that will tell you otherwise. Then why do we keep believing the lie? Is it just easier to believe it and have something to blame when we fail? Our bodies are a miraculous system that still functions in ways we don't understand. With all the technology we have today we still do not understand our bodies 100%. If this is the case then what is the correct choice? Everything at the root is simple but we over complicate everything. Why do we do this to ourselves? Stop hiding your feelings in food as some do. Think basic because at the root why does it have to be complicated? Make it easy, everything in your life could be easy but we choose for it not to be. If someone give you the greatest advice on how to do something do you say my way is better I'm not willing to even listen to your way? Or do you listen and see if you could learn something? in my journey to be "skinny" there are always struggles that is life. I chose to let myself be lazy and it got me to 320 pounds. Do you choose to be fat or healthy? Not all fat people are unhealthy but as a society this is what we teach. How fat is too fat, how skinny is too skinny? This is dependent on the person, I know what it is for me do you know you?

On my decent and trying all of the diets I could find, every fad why not. In the back of mind I was looking for the easy way out. But I put myself there with my choices and this was now the hole I must climb out of. Was it easy, sometimes but it was much harder most of the time. Breaking habits are hard, mindlessly I'm sure you have a routine when you get home from work. Does it involve grabbing a drink or eating a snack as soon as you get home from work? All these choices add up and add up and as you realize it you see your taking in way too much. The things your taking in are not great either but it' isn't always about how much but what we shove in our mouths. The food choices we select and the cravings for whatever we are shoving in our mouths. I found that with determination all cravings can be subsided but the will power needs to be there to push through. If you stumble do you cry and call it quits? No, like every other struggle in your life you collect yourself and tackle the task at hand. We didn't get fat over night, then why do we believe this fad diet is going to make us thin over night? Stop believing the hype and simply put in the work.

I went to my doctor at the time for my annual physical and although everything was looking good I was over 100 pounds overweight. At the end of the physical I'm sitting on the table and he start rubbing my back. I'm thinking this is weird but maybe he's going somewhere with this so I'll entertain it. He pauses for a second and asks, do you work out? As he feeds my ego I say well I have been trying to get back into the gym. He says "you do have a strong back, but your still fat". As direct as that was it was exactly what I needed to hear, it's what we choose to do with that info that changes our lives. Nothing I'm telling you will be a surprise, you know what you need to do you just need the reason to put in the work. What motivates you to be a better you? I promise the more weight you lose the easier it will get to even just do little things in life. You'll be happy, who doesn't want to be happy? Stop telling yourself that your restricting yourself by not eating the foods you love. Your restricting your life of all the things you could be doing. You could eat that entire cake or pizza or whatever your go to is without a blink of the eye. But how will you feel later, how long will it take to work that off? In this age people are predominantly lazy, why is this? Maybe we just haven't found anything to motivate us yet. Once you find that motivation, nothing will stop you.

In trying every diet it dawned me I was simply eating too much. But, all the knowledge we have today states you must eat this many calories in order to be healthy. Everyone just needs to find what works for them, keep trying and something will click and when the tires get rolling there will be no stopping you. So where do I begin you ask? Begin with getting dressed and go from there, go for a walk. Today it might only be around the block, and that block may be the longest hardest block you've ever walked but you have to start. Tomorrow will come no matter what you do, what we choose to do with the time is our choice. Do you choose to make the rite choices, the hard choices that will change your life for the better? It becomes hard to love others when you don't love yourself. Cranky all the time because your angry at the world for what? Be the change you want to see in the world and the people around you will also get motivated to follow you or they will fall out of your life. The choice is always yours and until your ready to make it you'll be exactly where your at.

Trying to lose weight I would workout every morning and diet to the best of my ability. Life is a struggle and everyday we are faced with problems to derail us. When you fall and you will, do you get back and start moving or do you give up? It's these times that will make the difference in your success or failure. Like I said before there is nothing I'm saying you don't already know but you have to make that choice for yourself. People love to ask you how you feel when you lose a bunch of weight and that question has always made me laugh. How do you think one feels, but if you look deeper whether they know it or not they are preparing you to not get back into old habits. They are helping you create those memories of the good times, remember how you feel this will come in handy when you want to devour that cake in one sitting. But if you do, don't wait until the following Monday to get back started. Get back on that horse after you eat that cake, get it out of the way and think about how you feel. I bet it won't have that same feeling anymore and the guilt will help motivate you later. Use all that ammo, every last time you failed was just another step closer to making it work. Don't look at it as failing but learning. Your learning what to do and not to do, we were all taught to clean our plates when we were young. Do I blame my parents for being fat? No, again they taught me both what to do and what not to. The question is, which lessons do you focus on?

Got down to 250 from 320 and although I felt skinny compared to where I was I knew I still had work to do. Trying everything I could find I was stuck at 250. Running harder dieting harder and doing what I thought I should do the weight just wouldn't come off. I got super strict, eating the same thing every day to make it easy and working out harder and harder. But nothing worked, wanting to give up and just be fat I threw in the towel. I needed to get out of my own way before I could begin to move forward. At this point the diet that I thought was going to be the one was failing me and I just couldn't get under 250. Always feeling like 250 was the wall I just couldn't cross. I started doing some research and was thinking it must be basic, that I must just be missing that one piece of info that will help me. But at the end of the day it comes down to determination and will power. Having good people around to support does help as well but you have to make that ultimate decision for yourself. When do choose to start loving YOU?

Love yourself and loving the world will be easy. Look up and get the support you need. How do you know until you try? To break that 250 mark I started slowing down not doing more. I slowly removed all the things out of my life that didn't help me. I quit everything and brought it back to the basics. Every day we force ourselves to struggle, we wake up early for work and immediately force caffeine in our mouths to wake up and get moving. Your bod is already telling you it's tired and needs healing, will you listen? Nope, mid afternoon when we start to crash we grab more caffeine to force our bodies to keep going. When we get home for the night we eat a big dinner and some drink themselves to sleep staying up late watching to TV or playing games. Going to bed late at night not giving our bodies the rest it needs telling yourself you'll get that sleep on the weekend. But the weekend comes and you have things to do so you never get that rest you need. Stop forcing your body to do what you want and listen to it for once.

In trying to listen to my body I started going to bed early and it was easy because we were on lockdown for COVID. In sleeping early, obviously it was easier to wake up early as well. I found over time I no longer needed caffeine or stimulants to push me. I had the energy I needed like I did when I was a kid. Did you wake up at 5 and poor that large cup of coffee? Why do you need it now? This question could get deep as there are many reasons why you may think you need it. Listen to your body and it will respond. Feed it crap and in return that's what you get. You are what you eat, as my old coach from high school would say. If you choose to eat jelly donuts then well you'll be a jelly donut eventually or maybe already. In Ayurvedic medicine they state you need sleep before midnight to heel the brain and after midnight heal the body. With this said the most important thing to take away from this is always try to have your core sleeping hours be set to 10pm-2am. Doing this will allow your body to get all around rest. Try to incorporate a fast, pick a 6-8 hour window that you will eat in. I chose 7am-1pm because it allowed me the most freedom. I knew I could play the mind trick with myself to eat a small breakfast and then eat a decent sized lunch. I would also have a snack if needed mid morning. At first this was hard I'm not going to lie, but you have to push forward. Another trick I imposed is not eating within 30 minutes of drinking water. Doing this stopped me from snacking because I'm always drinking water. Now if you work a regular job you'll be home when you the most hungry. The last trick is to not eat three hours before going to bed. If you work a normal job your probably getting home around 5-6pm and if your trying to keep the core sleeping hours your window for eating is very small. Since your feeding window is 7-1 your done. But is it? Some nights that was easier said than done. I found fruits have the some of the fastest digestion times so I would on those night that were bad eat fruit but still try not to eat within three hours of going to bed. The reason is, when you sleep your body wants to heal. If your constantly feeding and over stimulating it when will it have to to heal? With a full stomach upon bed your body has to work to digest that before it can start working on you. Let your body work on you.

Core Sleeping hours, Feeding Window, Water, Fruit

Over time you'll find it will get easier and easier but you have to take that first step. Hope this helps and I look forward to seeing more happy healthy people in the world.

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