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Be the Change

Be the change the world needs, it starts with a smile.

By Josh McCarthyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

When pondering what to write for this challenge, it dawned on me that we as a society need to get back to the basics. In many ways as a society, we should take a hard look at what truly matters in life and if we are living a life we love. A life that we look forward to waking up each day ready take on whatever comes our way. For this though I am referring to being the change. We need to be the change needed in the world, every last one of us has to do our part. I couldn't write this honestly if I weren't willing to be that very change as well. It starts with me and starts with you to be the change needed for generations to come. By stepping up to the call you become the motivation for those around you. Find the motivation and start moving forward because nothing will change if you just sit still. Pay a smile forward or help someone in need. Vibe so high that just being you, you bring light to a room full of positivity. Your smile and vibration could save someone's life as you help lift them up. We will never know the full impact we have on others life's so we must continue to stay true to oneself and being in the present. If you've read this far then you know that there are no coincidences, and this was meant to find you. So, I ask you to please join me in being the change, the change the world needs.

We as a collective need to put our differences aside and come together mindfully. But we must keep in mind it is our differences that makes us unique in regard to our personality. Our uniqueness brings quality and joy to life, if we were all the same personality wise life would get boring fast. Our differences help bring a different mindset and assist us in see things in ways we may never have had the chance to experience. We really are all the same on the inside and it is on the inside we must look. We need to teach this and so many more things to the youth of today and help them build character and to think on their own. Teaching them that being unique is what will allow you to use your talents in a creative way. If we don't spend the time now to help one of our most valuable assets, then what will we become? If we fail to teach them now, then we are destined to keep repeating the same cycles over and over again. If you and I become this change we open the future up to unlimited possibilities. But it starts with you and I, we need to be that change. We need to show them that life can be whatever they want it to be. There's an old saying that states the apple never falls far from the tree. This is why we have to be that change, they constantly watch and pickup on everything we do. Little sponges soaking up everything around them.

Bet on you and be the person you know you can be. The only one who really knows what you need is you. Keep it simple and think about all the things you've told yourself you should do. All of the things that will bring much needed joy to your life if you could just get out of your own way. Start slowing as everything in time builds momentum. Fully embrace going all in on YOU and growing into the person you want the world to see. Live, learn and love along the way and allow your inner voice to guide you. You know what's best for you and if it's from the heart then can't be wrong. In life the correct action will always be the right choice. Live life in a way that you can find something to smile about every day. If you have nothing to smile about then you need to rethink your priorities. Be grateful in all things and if from the heart you approach then the world is your oyster. What holds you back from being your best you? Even the smallest of steps is still progress. It is with each stumble and each fall and every roadblock we hit along the way that we grow and learn and become that much stronger. We can't sit and dwell on past regrets. But we can use them as motivation for everything that we will face going forward. It is along the journey that we find out who we are and what really makes us happy.

We must always remember the only person we have total control over is ourselves. Knowing this we can't wait for the world change around us. We have to step up and be that change. In life everyone is dented in some way. But the dents are what gives us the knowledge strength to be who we are today. These lessons are what give us the strength to keep going when we feel like we've lost all hope. Every day we are given the opportunity for a fresh start to be whoever you want to be. We can agree you're not the same person you were when you were seven correct? Nor are you the same person you were when you were sixteen, I would assume. This is the beauty of life though, we are always growing and learning and finding things to love. Some of this love needs to be redirected a little inward more often than not. Choose to love YOU, love all of you and find reasons every day to smile. Happiness like anything else is a choice. It's no different than being and optimist or a pessimist. But it would benefit you greatly to lean on the side of optimism. If you learn to lead from the heart with an open mind, you see your life improve in ways you can't yet imagine. Forget yesterday for it's forever gone but remember the lessons and always forgive and forget what's needed. Blossom into who you are on the inside and allow the world to see. It's all part of the growing process and advancing in the age of life.

Happiness is balance in all facets of one's life. When balance is found in all things, happiness will ensue. This is the balance we need to teach the youth of today. Each of us might balance life differently and it is here were we have the most to offer the world. We only know what we know when faced with a situation for all we have is the knowledge we've acquired thus far. Hindsight is always twenty twenty allowing us to grow and learn from the past. Choose to be happy and smile for a smile from the heart is never wrong. This type of happiness is as contagious as a yawn. So please pay forward this type of happiness and joy of life. Be in such harmony in your life that you shine like a beacon of light for all to see. So bright that it can't be ignored and cries out to be replicated. Dive deep and put in the work and I guarantee you'll be glad you did. Please join me in raising your vibration and paying forward the best you the world has seen. Together may our light shine as bright as the sun.


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