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How I lost over 100 pounds and counting

Losing weight is easy if you know how

By Josh McCarthyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I let myself go and was at my worst topping out at 320 pounds and it wasn't until I figured out why I let myself go that could start losing weight. Figure out your why, if you have a lot of weight to lose think about why you eat. What are your triggers, are you eating mindlessly because of boredom? Or are you eating your feelings away? This very important step is the beginning to understanding why you do anything in life. What drives you to be you, focus on the good as everyone has good in them to give to the world. Be the change you want to see in the world and if you being overweight is stopping you from greatness then what stops you from losing weight? Find your why and you'll find your motivation to accomplish anything in life.

The key to losing weight is realizing the world over consumes way to much of everything. Our bodies don't need as much as we think it they do. By constantly force feeding ourselves we never allow our bodies to catch up with digestion. In this way its always struggling to catch up and not giving your body time to heal. This is why I started intermittent fasting, so my body had a chance to work on something other than digestion. My feeding window is 7am - 1pm giving my body 18 hours of recovery. While doing this you will notice you have way more energy in time and will find the strength to take on anything. So much so that you'll find your body doesn't need as much sleep as it did and you'll have so much energy you wont need caffeine. This is what happened to me, I was a daily coffee drinker and one day I just decided I didn't need it anymore. We as a society over stimulate our bodies way to much and it never lets us fully rest. Listen to your body and you will learn to hear what it needs.

Sleep is another key to success, but being consistent with it is what will change your life. Your brain needs healing just like your body and too often we don't give it the rest it needs. If you can always keep the following formula in mind you will be on your way to success. The hours before midnight are meant for healing the brain and after midnight the body. Keep your core sleeping hours between 10pm and 2am, adjust for what the body needs. We need to learn to listen to what our bodies are telling us. In time time you'll know when you need more sleep before or after that window. On average my body only needs about 6 - 7 hours on normal days and when I push myself hard it requires more. We just need to listen to the amazing machine our bodies are and when you do it won't let you down.

Even water people often over consume it. If your already peeing white then your drinking to much and if it's dark then not enough. Find that happy medium and again listen to what your body needs. I also try not to drink anything 30 minutes before and after eating. Think of it as putting water on the fire of your digestion. Drinking while you eat just slows things down and makes it harder for your body to do it's job. Listen to your body and you'll soon come to find you didn't need as much as you thought you did.

The last key is trying not eat within 3 hours of going to sleep. Like I said before you want your body to heal and eating before bed just slows that down. But fruit has the fastest digestion times so if your going to cheat outside of the feeding window then do it with fruit. Just enough to satisfy your craving and you come to see that the fruit will start tasting sweeter than you've ever tasted and will be satisfying. Do your research and see the different digestion times for each type of food and you'll see just how much we over consume. Meat has the longest digestion times and often our society over consumes it. If you have a breakfast sandwich at say 8am with meat on it. That sandwich isn't even digested by the time lunch comes around as meat and fish can take up to 2 days to be fully digested. This is part of the reason I decided to stop eating meat. If you can't do that, at least lower your intake to smaller portions.

When I finally decided to start losing weight I started with the low carb diet. I lost my first 70 pounds doing so but hit a wall and couldn't lose anymore. Now weighing in at 250 I was frustrated and although I was still dieting and working out hard I wasn't seeing the progress I wanted. This went on for about 5 years of yoyoing between 250 and 270 and I was at my wits end. This is when I decided to try the one thing I hadn't and I got the motivation from the Netflix show The Game Changers. It changed my outlook and helped me formulate everything I have written for you today. The weird thing is I stopped eating meat and my body stopped hurting. My joints felt better and I became more flexible than I ever had been. My energy levels went through the roof and I found myself way more active and willing to take on anything. If you've ever tried the keto diet you'll know there is a period at the beginning that you feel like crap and some call it the keto flu. Well the same happened when I stop eating meat but it took a bit longer. I felt run down for about 2 months and then one day I woke up and felt amazing. Our bodies adapt most amazingly if we allow them to.

Do your research and you'll be fine. I asked my doctor to do some blood work to make sure I wasn't hurting myself and the numbers were all positive. All my numbers looked better than they ever had and it was only getting better with time. The positive feelings you'll get from the changes you make will improve your life in ways you may not be able to imagine just yet. But hold true and push forward and greatness awaits you.

Recap of the above:

Intermittent fasting- You want at least 16 hours of no eating

Sleep- Always try to sleep during the core hours of 10pm-2am as the base

Snacking- Never within 3 hours of bed and if you have to eat fruit

Water- Drink it and listen to your body, you'll know when you know. Try not to drink while eating

Vitamins- Talk to your doctor and do your research

If you can do what I have laid out then your on your way to success. Always smile and let your heart guide you and if you can do this you've already won.


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