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What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Oats Every Day.

Health benefits of eating Oats.

By Debasish ShomPublished 11 months ago 9 min read

1. Introduction

Breakfast is often hailed as the most important meal of the day, and while it may sound cliché, doctors and nutritionists have a good reason for recommending it. Among the many breakfast options available, oatmeal stands out as a popular and highly recommended choice. Not only does it provide a hearty and satisfying start to the day, but good quality oats, free of impurities and environmentally friendly, can also have a profound impact on your overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating oats into your daily diet and provide some delicious recipe ideas to transform a plain old oatmeal breakfast into a delightful feast.

2. Improved Skin Health

One of the remarkable benefits of eating oats every day is the positive impact it can have on your skin. Oatmeal is known for its ability to treat inflammatory conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and skin rashes. It contains unique properties derived from a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. For instance, zinc is known to cleanse the skin and remove toxins and harmful compounds. It also helps minimize large pores and has a rejuvenating effect.

Iron, another essential element, plays a crucial role in nourishing the skin cells and maintaining moisture. Manganese, on the other hand, helps reduce swelling and inflammation while promoting rapid healing of the skin after wounds, bruises, burns, and other micro injuries. Additionally, magnesium enhances blood circulation and supports noticeable skin cell renewal.

3. Muscle Building and Protein Intake

When it comes to building muscles, most people are aware of the importance of protein. However, it's worth noting that your body also requires carbohydrates and fats for effective muscle development, and oatmeal is a fantastic source of all three. The carbohydrates in oats provide you with the energy you need for an effective workout.

A serving of about half a cup of oatmeal gives your body approximately 15% of the recommended daily amount of protein. Furthermore, oatmeal contains vitamin E, antioxidants, and glutamate, all of which help in the regeneration of muscle fibers, promoting faster recovery after exercise.

4. Antioxidant Boost

Oats are rich in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in alleviating itching, inflammation, and high blood pressure. These antioxidants contain beta glucan, a type of fiber that not only lowers blood sugar levels but also increases the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide improves circulation by dilating blood vessels, enhancing overall cardiovascular health.

Beta glucan also helps reduce cholesterol levels and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. Moreover, it increases the feeling of fullness after meals, aiding in weight management. The presence of vitamin C further enhances these effects, making oats and orange juice a perfect breakfast combination.

5. Increased Energy Levels

As mentioned earlier, oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates that provide your body with the energy it needs. Consuming oats in a slightly dry form keeps you feeling fuller for a longer duration, eliminating the need for additional food. In just half a cup of oats, you can enjoy a wide range of essential nutrients. This includes 191% of the recommended dietary intake of manganese, 41% of phosphorus, 34% of magnesium, 24% of copper, and 20% of zinc and iron.

Additionally, oats provide 11% of the recommended intake of folate, 39% of vitamin B, 10% of vitamin B5, and smaller amounts of other beneficial nutrients. These nutrients contribute to improved energy levels, making oats a perfect choice to kickstart your day.

6. Weight Loss Support

If you're looking to shed some extra pounds, incorporating oats into your daily diet can be highly beneficial. The slow carbohydrates found in oatmeal help curb your appetite and maintain normal blood sugar levels. This, combined with the array of nutrients in oats, boosts your metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body.

Furthermore, beta glucan in oats keeps you from overeating by promoting a feeling of fullness for a longer period. It also triggers the release of a satiety hormone that signals your brain when you've had enough to eat. As a result, oats aid in accelerated weight loss and provide a satisfying breakfast option.

7. Cholesterol Reduction

Oats have been widely recognized for their cholesterol-lowering properties. The linoleic acid and soluble fiber present in oatmeal contribute to reducing the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood. High levels of bad cholesterol can lead to inflammation in the arteries, damaged tissues, and an elevated risk of stroke or heart attack.

Beta glucan, the star component of oats, helps reduce cholesterol in the body by cleansing fat from arterial walls and protecting against serious diseases like arterial sclerosis. By incorporating oats into your daily routine, you can significantly decrease the risk of developing heart disease and promote a healthier cardiovascular system.

8. Heart Health Support

The rich content of healthy fats and antioxidants in oats makes them beneficial for heart health. Oatmeal supports the cells in the heart and circulatory system, reducing the probability of damage to the blood vessel walls by free radicals. Antioxidants in oats help combat oxidative stress, a major contributor to heart disease.

Regular consumption of oats can assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation in blood vessels, and protecting against cardiovascular ailments. By including oats in your diet, you can take a proactive step towards a healthier heart.

9. Improved Digestion

Oats are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which plays a vital role in maintaining good digestion. Experts recommend consuming at least 25 to 38 grams of dietary fiber daily for optimal digestive health. Oats provide a significant portion of this requirement, even in a small serving.

Just half a cup of oats contains one-fifth of the recommended daily fiber intake. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), irregular bowel movements, or constipation. In a study involving 30 elderly participants with bowel troubles, the consumption of desserts or soup containing oat bran for three months resulted in a remarkable improvement in their overall well-being. Furthermore, 59% of the participants were able to stop using laxatives altogether.

Oats' high fiber content aids in maintaining regular bowel movements and promoting a healthy digestive system.

Recipes to Elevate Your Oatmeal Breakfast

Now that you know about the incredible health benefits of eating oats every day, it's time to transform your boring oatmeal breakfast into a delightful and flavorful feast. Here are a few recipes to spice up your morning routine:

1. Apple Pie Oatmeal:

• 1 cup of steel-cut oatmeal

• 2 cups of almond milk

• 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

• 2 teaspoons of maple syrup (optional)

• 1 large apple, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces

• 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce

In a saucepan, combine the almond milk, oatmeal, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Heat on low, stirring occasionally until the milk is absorbed. Mix in the applesauce once all the liquid is absorbed. After approximately 15 minutes, transfer the oatmeal to a bowl and enjoy this creamy and flavorful apple pie oatmeal.

2. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies:

• 3/4 cup of flour

• 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt

• 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

• 2 tablespoons of butter

• 1 egg

• 1 cup of brown sugar

• 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

• 1/2 cup of applesauce

• 1 cup of raisins

• 2 cups of fast-cooking oats

In a bowl, mix the flour, sea salt, baking soda, and cinnamon. In another bowl, combine the butter and brown sugar. Add the egg and applesauce, followed by the flour mixture. Stir in the

raisins and oats. Mix all the ingredients together and place the dough in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and, once heated, use an ice cream scoop to place cookie dough balls on a baking tray. Bake the cookies for approximately 15 minutes until they turn golden brown. Indulge in these delectable oatmeal raisin cookies for a delightful treat.

3. Almond Butter Banana Oatmeal:

• 1 cup of steel-cut oatmeal

• 2 cups of almond milk

• 2 tablespoons of almond butter

• 2 teaspoons of honey (optional)

• 1 thinly sliced banana

Combine the oatmeal and almond milk in a saucepan and heat on low until the milk is mostly absorbed. Add the almond butter and half of the banana slices. Stir the mixture and allow it to soak up the remaining liquid. When the oatmeal reaches your desired consistency, transfer it to a bowl, drizzle with honey, and garnish with the remaining banana slices. Enjoy this creamy and nutritious almond butter banana oatmeal.

By incorporating these delicious and nutritious recipes into your breakfast routine, you can elevate your oatmeal experience and reap the numerous health benefits oats have to offer.


In conclusion, making oats a part of your daily diet can have remarkable benefits for your overall well-being. From improving your skin health and providing essential nutrients for muscle growth to boosting antioxidants and aiding in weight loss, oats are a versatile and nutritious superfood.

With their high fiber content, oats also contribute to improved digestion and a healthier cardiovascular system. The cholesterol-lowering properties of oats, along with their ability to support heart health, make them an excellent choice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

So, why not start your day with a bowl of oatmeal? Explore the various recipes and combinations available to create a delightful and flavorful breakfast experience. Your body will thank you for nourishing it with this wholesome and nutritious grain.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I eat oats if I have gluten intolerance or celiac disease? Yes, oats are naturally gluten-free. However, cross-contamination can occur during processing, so it's essential to choose certified gluten-free oats if you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

2. Can I add toppings to my oatmeal? Absolutely! Oatmeal is highly versatile and can be customized with a wide range of toppings such as fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, or yogurt to enhance both the flavor and nutritional value.

3. Are instant oats as nutritious as steel-cut oats? While instant oats are more convenient and cook faster, steel-cut oats are less processed and retain more of their nutrients. However, both options are nutritious and can be incorporated into a healthy diet.

4. Can I eat oats if I'm trying to lose weight? Yes, oats can be a valuable addition to a weight loss diet. Their high fiber content helps promote feelings of fullness and can aid in curbing appetite. Additionally, oats provide sustained energy and essential nutrients while being relatively low in calories.

5. Are overnight oats a healthy option? Overnight oats are a convenient and nutritious choice for a quick breakfast. They are prepared by soaking oats in liquid (such as milk or yogurt) overnight. This method softens the oats and allows them to be consumed without cooking, preserving their nutritional benefits.

Medical advice: Consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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