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What are some inspirational stories in your life?

Use stories to make our lives more dynamic and guide us forward.

By Mina(Life knowledge)Published 2 years ago 5 min read

In study, work and life, we have more or less come into contact with stories. Writing stories can exercise our habit of solitude, calm down our mind and think about our future direction. I believe that writing stories is a problem that many people have a headache. The following is a small series of carefully arranged inspirational stories for reference only, hoping to help you.

1. Destiny is like the hand of God. Every time you try to go against it, the hand will grasp you mercilessly.

Time is always desolate, fate has its own fate, the joys and sorrows of the world, but the loess is pile on. During my 18 years in the world, I desperately tried to discover my talent, but finally I lost the whole 18 years, I was waiting for God to descend on me with the talent, so that I stood out from the crowd, was looked up to and worshipped, and then I found that I could only rely on myself. In the process of creating this gift, fate will always fall on your shoulders as you take a leap and throw you back to the ground. I desperately want to escape the clutches of fate, I tried to run, sweat wet my skirt, stick to my skin, MY every capillary blood hole can not breathe, a sense of suffocation let me despair, in an instant, my heart to success of the bridge is about to collapse. When I was about to be crushed by the years, I suddenly calm down. Carefully recall once was how to adhere to the present, let the world 100, and I do. I should be stubborn and strong, and then hold on. In an instant, I discovered my gift. It was hidden in my little body, and I hadn't seen it. As if to remove the clouds, a wisp of sword like sunshine shot at the junction of the sea and sky is so beautiful. My gift is persistence. Yes, God did not give me a talent to be envied, but it was tolerant to give me a heart to do anything can stick to the end.

Fate is hard to break, but I believe that when the hand of God holds you, there will always be times when you are tired. The key is how strong you are determined to get rid of fate, whether you let it go or try to get rid of it. I believe that time will always have belong to your scenery, it is just in the distance. If you cut through the clouds, then I believe there is a clear sky not far away.

Get rid of fate like a sword in the hands of successful soldiers, let this sword can across the sky, across the heart......

2.Once, an old robber with his apprentice robbed a bank and was chased by the police. They ran so fast that they almost lost their pants. Finally shaking off the policeman, the two collapsed on the ground out of breath.

After a long time, his shock calmed down a little. Then the disciple said, "Master, if there were no police in the world, how wonderful it would be!" The master said, "Fart! If it weren't for the police, would we have food? !" The apprentice was puzzled. Master said, "You only know one and you don't know the other! Think about it, if there were no police, would everyone dare to steal and rob? It's because of these cops that we have the living space to stop the hotshots! What are we compared to them? What are you capable of? Do we not earn a living only by daring to do what they dare not do? With the police, we have ah! How can we live without the police?"

You see how successful people scenery, but, you only see one side, did not see the other side, you "only see the thief eat meat, did not see the thief was beaten", did not see them for the success of the sweat, tears, and even blood! Even if you see "a thief getting beaten", you are only willing to be "a thief who eats meat and doesn't get beaten". There is no such thing as cheap! We could use the experience of that old robber up there. As long as there is a little courage, self-confidence, enough to break through physical and psychological barriers.

3. There is a river at the foot of the mountain, and on the hillside is the fox's watermelon garden. For a long time it did not rain, and the work of carrying water and watering melons was very tiring. The fox went to one person and another, but no one would come to work for him. Later, the fox built an amusement park at the foot of the mountain. Amusement park seesaw, cable car, music turntable... The cable car was like a water cart, and the chimpanzee was the first to climb it. He ran on it, and the big wheels turned. Little monkey a good fun, jump jumped up, ran after the gorilla ran, big wheels quickly turn turn.

The two pandas went up and down happily playing on the seesaw. Sika deer, white rabbit, brown bear... A group of small partners around the music turntable, some push, some pull, a push a pull big turntable on the turn, but also released good music. On the hillside, the fox was busy watering watermelons.

"No one wants to work, do they? The water -- "The little white rabbit blinked red eyes, wondering. "Only a fool goes to the river," said the fox. So who brings water for the fox?

It turned out that the cable car and music turntable in the garden had become the fox's water wheel, and the seesaw had become his water machine.

"Hua la", the river accompanied by partners happy laughter quietly from the underground pipe flow into the fox's melon garden.

4. A barnacle goose grew up in a flock, but later it felt more and more isolated from the others. Because as it grows, it becomes larger than most of its companions, and it is mostly black, so it is an outlier in the group.

Although his peers do not exclude him because he is different, the barnacle goose despises its fellow geese.

"It is sad how small they are, and how ugly they are, to have my black nobility! Oh! It is very unfortunate to live in such a family, I should have lived with black crows..."

The goose thought the life of the crow was very romantic, just like a noble woman in black, who could do nothing all day and sing songs in her spare time. Therefore, the goose was determined to move in with the crow. However, the crow found that the goose did not look like him and did not sound like him, so he did not want the goose to live with him.

The crow said with disgust, "Don't you know? You're nothing like me, you're just a wild goose, no matter how noble you are, AND I won't like you..."

The goose turned helplessly back to its former companions.

"Don't you despise us? You'd be ashamed to stay with us. You'd better go. You're not welcome here! '

So the barnacle goose had to leave the flock alone, a desolate cry in the sky.

self help

About the Creator

Mina(Life knowledge)

Thank you for your attention, my name is Mina, here you will see a lot of interesting and useful knowledge, I believe my article will help you, let you solve some small troubles in life, I am very glad to become friends with you, thank you!

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