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Wednesday Quote Of The Day (Make Time For Exercise)

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.” - Robin Sharma

Yesterday I mentioned that 7 to 9 hours sleep should be a non-negotiable, when it comes to being included in our daily schedule. It's imperative for our health that we are allowing our body the opportunity to have ample rest, so as to fully recharge in order for us to be more productive and efficient, plus of course it's necessary to help fight against various illnesses. There's another non-negotiable activity that should always be on our daily schedule also, and that is exercise. Like sleep however, exercise is another one of those activities that so many people do not see it's huge importance, and therefore they sacrifice it from their daily schedule, mainly as a result of excess work or pure laziness. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues, helping our cardiovascular system to operate more efficiently. Not only that, but it of course helps build muscle, and enhances our endurance and energy levels. In fact, when it comes to exercise, the list of positives is long, with other benefits being that it makes us happier, it helps us reduce excess body weight, it increases bone strength, it reduces the risk of chronic disease, it improves our memory, it contributes to better sleep quality, it can reduce pain, and yes, it can even enhance our sex life. It's a stark contrast to all the effects we incur by not exercising, which include increased weight gain & obesity, a decreased metabolism, an increase of stress levels, a higher risk of stress and anxiety, a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, a higher risk of various cancers, frequent lethargy, physical weakness, and muscle and bone weakness. It's a no brainer really that we should therefore be making exercise a priority on our daily to do list, but why do so many of us fail to do so?

As I mentioned above, the two main reasons why people fail to engage in at least 30 minutes intense physical activity each day is because they either, prioritize their work over their health, and therefore work excessively, or they simply just cannot be bothered, as they become easily enticed by the temptation of just sitting on the couch at home, watching television and snacking on chips or chocolate. I say it so often, but our three main priorities in life should always be our health, our happiness, and our goals. The decisions we make, and the actions we take, should always have these three aspects of life at the centre of our attention. If we are making decisions that are against any of these, we are destroying the longevity and quality of our life. Of course it's lovely to relax at home and put our feet up, especially after a busy day at work, but in doing so, we are only proving to ourselves, and the world, that we really have no regard for our health. Of course we need to work to earn a living, but for so many people, the hours they spend at their workplace are just way too excessive. Our lifestyle should be balanced into three equal segments, being work, rest, and leisure. The rest segment is of course our sleep, with the need to notch up those 8 hours of sleep in order to provide adequate rest and recharge to our body and mind. The leisure segment unfortunately does get chewed up with a lot of mandatory activities, such as showering, toilet trips, and eating our meals, but it's in these 8 hours we also need to make sure we are including quality time with our family, that we are working on the actions that are progressing us towards our goal, and that we have time allocated for exercising, of course. The time amount scheduled within the work segment should be no different, and should also be limited to 8 hours. If we are working more than those 8 hours, then perhaps it's time to reassess our line of work, and take a good hard look at our lifestyle balance, because each minute we work past those 8 hours, we are eliminating time from our sleep, from time with our family, from working on our goals, and from taking care of ourselves health-wise, such as getting out and exercising. It's as simple as this, if you don't have time for exercise, then guess what? You need to make time for exercise! Refrain from being lazy, stop working excessively, and start making changes to your schedule, so you can prove to yourself that you do truly value your health, and that you will commit to at least 30 minutes of intense physical activity daily, moving forward! Your health matters!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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