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True Ownership And Fake Ownership

Small-business owners in the 80s and 90s are an example of false ownership. Be careful. You don't want to become a professional complainer, blaming taxes and living within your bubble of lies.

By Sigmund CarlsonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Image by Ben Kolde from Unsplash

True ownership equals control. Remember that. If your business is slavering you, better take a job from 9 to 5 and rethink your life.

But how do you know your business is going to work? The straight answer is Passion. Be passionate about it. Don’t take the word for me. Science backs me. Studies have demonstrated doing what you love could even save your life (detail).

Let me tell you a little Story. This lesson changed how I approach life: There are two Gods in charge of Cosmos: God of Money and God of Wisdom. The average guy is always pleading God of Money and left nothing to God of Wisdom. Results are downhearted, money never appeared, and wisdom flushed away.

The tricky thing is God of Money hides behind God of Wisdom.

God of Wisdom is thirsty for pledges and never ask you for anything in exchange. Mighty as it is, only demands one single thing: Passion for knowledge. Socrates, a life-long learner, chose the path of infinite wisdom. Is there any other philosopher most named than Him?

Real-life examples

Suppose John is making enough money for a business he doesn’t like. On the other side, Scott is a guy in their 20s working in Starbucks, studying a degree he loves, alternating with friends, working out, and thinking about entrepreneurship. What of these would you like to be? Yes, our first guy is his boss, have more money, maybe an average car, and a loving couple. But I also bet my neck he is suffering burnout and popping antidepressants.

Successfully freelancers are all day pleading God of Wisdom. India is an example. You will see thousands of gurus, telling beautiful stories. They never ask for money, but donations appear in huge waves. Sure, they don’t have tons of supporters because of their external aspect, neither their speech, the key point is they do what they love. A real feeling of Passion irradiates from their hearts. Name whatever you like, charisma, factor-x, it doesn’t care, but it’s there.

Cactus is the perfect analogy of false ownership: don’t be one. Cactus is always immobile and developed spines to protect itself from the world. Flourish, expand your goals, don’t be afraid. Do all you like, be joyful, and in your 84 birthday, turn your eyes back and say: I did what I wished.

Cactus is an example of what you don’t want to become. Static and arid.

Well, my cactus is ok. He is totally for true ownership.

Of course, I’m not telling you should leave your job, couple and start from the beginning. Everyone is different, but be like Alexander the Great, always push harder, try to conquer new hills, whatever little it be. If not, you are in the zombie cage, the worst place to be.

Hobbies are a beginning. I knew History was my thing when a so-called charismatic teacher told me about Hinduism. Wisdom around the Ganges river is another level.

Alexander the Great is the perfect example of real ownership. Generals and people around him advised against continue to conquer India. You know why? Because there wasn’t a route depicted in any known maps. His reaction astounded the others: “That’s not a problem. We’ll create the plans”. That’s the spirit. After all, reading tons of History should have a reward.

Experts of all fields read thousands of books about everything. They are always set in. It’s the hallmark of two geniuses like Warren Buffet and Elon Musk, with around 500 pages a day.

Building something about we can be proud in the future, come with a cost, we have to fail thousand of times, but it deserves every tear. Actual Society is obsessed with perfection, but no one is telling you that it is a fallacy.

We are penalizing creativity, independent thinking, how Nietzsche said, “the Genius Creator.” The successful ones are innovators craziest if you want. Don’t ask for approval for every step ahead.

Start with something little. Take your exercise routine: don’t engage with it, do your exercise the way you want, don’t get obsessed with your biceps or triceps; make room for other things: go for a climb or whatever.

Please, read whatever lands in your paws and more. Not only about entrepreneurship or self-motivation, all important, but novels are also crucial; it expands your imagination beyond any limit.

Don’t make strange faces. Grab one book, whatever subject it is, and devour until the end. A rush feeling is going through your body; it’s the dopamine of hard-workers.

Welcome to your new world!


About the Creator

Sigmund Carlson

History is the tragedy of life; poetry the epitome.

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