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Today Not Tomorrow

How can you put your goals into action

By Dr. Sulaiman AlgharbiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

If you keep telling yourself that you'll start tomorrow, you'll never really get started on whatever it is you've been putting off. There is no longer any reason to consider tomorrow a viable option. Do not procrastinate in making the required adjustments. If you choose not to act on it now, you won't make any progress later.

Take little moves in the direction of your overall goal. The broad goal should be broken down into a series of intermediate milestones. These can help divide the overarching goal into more manageable portions and provide you with reasons to celebrate along the way. If you're having problems getting started on your objective because you think the result will be too difficult to achieve, you may want to think about moving your focus to more attainable objectives that are more manageable in the short term.

Make a calendar in which the dates are written in reverse order. You can figure out how to get there where you want to go if you know where you want to end up, and you can do this by determining intermediate "milestones" along the way. Before everything can be finished within the allocated time, your schedule may need a few tweaks here and there (or before you reach your ultimate objective). You may find that taking the initial step is the most challenging part of a process; nevertheless, with the assistance of a reverse calendar, you will have a place to start.

Have some fun being silly with only you. Maintaining motivation over time is possible via positive feelings and external incentives. It would help if you made every attempt to steer clear of temptations that might ultimately slow down your progress. Getting a feel for things As you work toward accomplishing your goals, you should become used to the idea that you will go through a range of normal and beneficial emotions. Make the most of the emotions when thinking about or working toward achieving your goals or developing your personal growth. After achieving a significant milestone or "micro" goal, you should permit yourself to experience satisfaction and then use that feeling to push you toward the next step.

If you run into a problem or an obstacle, use the annoyance you feel to recommit yourself to your goals. If you were nearly there but were sidetracked at the last second, channel your disappointment into a newfound drive to keep going and succeed despite the setback.

Make an effort to get your stomach in a knot. People are generally happy with their circumstances and where they are in life. But if you want to bring about meaningful change, you're going to have to put yourself in a position that's going to be uncomfortable. But it would help if you didn't worry about it since these unpleasant feelings might help broaden your views and discover new things. Another situation in which having "micro" goals might prove beneficial to you is as follows: When you consider where you want to go in the future in comparison to where you are now, you may have feelings of being overawed by the immensity of the transformation. If you break it down into smaller stages, like going from where you are now to your first "milestone" aim, it may seem less overwhelming if you accomplish it. At first, it may seem like a difficult task, but if you break it down into smaller parts, it may appear less scary. Accepting some level of suffering to get closer to your goal can help you grow and accelerate your learning. You should anticipate being pleasantly surprised by what occurs inside you when you take on new tasks and progress toward your goal. This is something you can look forward to.

So, you should roll up your sleeves and get to work. Now, not later, is the time for action. Today not tomorrow.

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About the Creator

Dr. Sulaiman Algharbi

Retired after more than 28 years of experience with the Saudi Aramco Company. Has a Ph.D. degree in business administration. Book author. Articles writer. Owner of ten patents.


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