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Tips to be happy in every situation

Be smiling!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Happiness is not something that can be put off until later; rather, it is something that can be planned for the present. Make a conscious decision to be cheerful and make every effort, no matter how difficult it may seem at the time, to reject, ignore, and refuse to interact with negative ideas and sensations.

This would need some further work on your side. You may relapse into the habit of obsessing about your sadness from time to time, but with time, you will develop the ability to be joyful and pleased. You may make the decision to be free of outside influences. Happiness is preferable to sadness. It is your attitude that determines whether or not you are happy or sad.

Excitement, happiness, and the absence of concerns and anxiety are all feelings associated with it. When everything is going well, when things go according to plan, and when you are liked or respected, you are likely to be happy.

When you obtain what you desire, when you are doing something you like doing, when a goal is completed, or when you are in a beautiful location, such as at the beach at sunset, you are experiencing happiness.

Looking inside yourself while you are joyful will reveal that there is no worry, no fear, and no obsessive thoughts present at these times. This indicates that pleasure and inner serenity are intertwined with one another.

Happiness seems to be the outcome of happy occurrences in many cases, but it is really a state of mind that is triggered by external events and arises from the inside. Happiness seems to be ephemeral and temporary at first, but as you learn to select and allow happiness to enter your life, it progressively becomes more permanent as time passes.

Look for the bright and positive aspects of any scenario. This isn't tough at all. There must always be something positive, pleasant, or humorous about a situation. Why not concentrate on it? Because it is used to thinking in this manner, your mind may pull you down and drive you to dwell on negativity and challenges. You must resist this temptation and work hard to shift your perspective, concentrating more on the positive aspects of life.

In addition, you should concentrate on finding answers. Because all that is required is a negative mindset, it is incredibly simple to see issues and challenges everywhere. Instead of concentrating on the issues, concentrate on finding solutions. When you concentrate on finding answers, they will present themselves.

Furthermore, keep an eye on your ideas! Whenever you see yourself thinking negatively, redirect your thoughts to more pleasurable ones. Do this again and over again. Make it a game in which you are on the lookout for negative ideas, and then redirect your focus away from them to more good issues and occurrences that have given you happiness and fulfillment.

Take stock of your accomplishments thus far and keep your attention there. It is common for us to begin the day with the aim of accomplishing a number of objectives or chores, but we end up falling short of our expectations.

Because you haven't been able to accomplish all of your goals, you may find yourself feeling dissatisfied and unhappy at the end of the day. Instead of making a snap decision without giving it much thought, it is better to be more rational and utilize common sense. The likelihood of being dissatisfied and upset is reduced when objectives and tasks are established that are fairer.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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