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This is the Only Person Who can Truly Sabotage You and Are You Aware of Your Hidden Enemy?

Person Who can Truly Sabotage You and Aware of Your Hidden Enemy?

By Adrian PraljakPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

What if I told you that there's a person out there who willfully wants to slow you down and even downright sabotage you? What if I told you that this person may get all excited about your plans to change your life and turn things around for the better? What if I told you that this person initially encourages you and even is your biggest cheerleader at first?

However, as the days go by, this person shows his or her true colors. This person ends up sabotaging you. It’s not obvious at first. It starts out very small. In fact, it starts out almost looking like it's innocent but, before you know it, you have a tough time making the hard decisions that you need to turn your life around and achieve the kind of changes you know you need to do.

Sounds like a very evil person, right? This person is very familiar. In fact, this person is very close to you. Unfortunately, regardless of his or her intimacy with your desires and who you aspire to become, this person has one objective. This person wants to slow you down and eventually sabotage whatever progress you have so you end up where you began. This individual will not stop at anything until you end up where you began. That's the whole point of this person's agenda.

Who is this person? This person signs his or her name this way: Y-O-U. I know that comes as a shock because, after all, you’re probably struggling with something in your life. Maybe it's your weight. Perhaps it's your career. Possibly, it's your relationship. Maybe it's your mindset, your fears, or your phobias. Perhaps it's your relationship with success.

Whatever it is that you are struggling with, maybe in the present or maybe it's in the past, life is a struggle and this person will continue to make it a struggle. This person is you. Why? We're all creatures of habit. As unacceptable as certain areas of your life may be and as frustrated and stuck as you know you are, deep down inside, a part of you just wants to hang on. A part of you just doesn’t want to change.

I know that sounds crazy. Who doesn't want to be healthier? Who doesn't want to be happier? Who doesn't want to make more money? Who doesn’t want more financial independence? Who doesn’t want the very best life has to offer?

However, there is this part of you that just wants to sabotage you because it is hell-bent on the present. It is stuck on the present. It is obsessed with keeping the things the way they are.

Aware of Your Hidden Enemy?

Usually, when people are asked if they have an enemy, they often think about other people. It’s very easy to think of that schoolyard bully. It’s very easy to do this because the schoolyard bully actually oppresses us into ways.

There is, of course, the factual oppression. This is when the schoolyard bully pulled down your underwear, slapped you around, and called you names in front of a lot of people. Your public humiliation stung right then and there. That is a very direct offense. That’s an assault on your value as a human being. It’s very easy to wrap our minds around this scene because the offense is very straightforward. In fact, it's staring at our face.

However, the schoolyard bully can also harm us even though the facts happened a long time ago. How many people live their lives in such a way that they are still held back and dragged down by painful memories?

Maybe it's a schoolyard bully who publicly humiliated you by exposing your genitals to the general public by dragging your shorts down as you were walking up a set of stairs. Perhaps it's your mom who used to slap your around and told you that she wished she aborted you. Possibly, it’s your father who used to beat you up before he abandoned your family once and for all in a drunken fit of rage.

Whatever it is, when we focus on past hurts, we not only remember the immense humiliation, degradation, embarrassment, and shame that we felt when those things happened but those negative emotions continue to eat away at our minds today and, worse yet, they poison our relationships around us. We don't know who to trust. We can’t even be sure if we could trust ourselves. We don't know if we’re worthy of somebody who would actually treat us the right way.

Worse yet, we read into our past humiliations and trauma and negative experiences our current issues. We blow things out of proportion. We exaggerate. We make stuff up. We see things that weren’t there. We draw connections that are unwarranted and don't make any sense.

Whatever the case may be, our hidden enemy, by and large, is ourselves. Seriously. You are your own worst enemy. It's not the schoolyard bully. It’s not your emotionally absent father. It's not your domineering mother. It's not your controlling first boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s not the best friend who stabbed you in the back. It's none of those people.

It is you because by continuing to allow them to have a hold on you, you continue to hold yourself down from the kind of effective life you could otherwise be living. Whatever it is you can dream of, you can achieve if only you're able to break free of the mental shackles that you yourself have voluntarily put on.

I know that sounds crazy. It sounds shocking but it's also absolutely true. Whatever limitations we have are voluntarily chosen. There's nobody pointing a gun at you and forcing you to be miserable. You're doing it to yourself and the worst part to all of this is we think that we're consciously solving our problems. We think we're consciously in control of our lives and that everything has its place and its time.

This is just an illusion. That's just kind of like a mental cover we give ourselves for the true lack of control we have on a day-to-day basis.

If you want to overcome your normal tendency to hold yourself down and drag yourself back, click here.

This series of solutions can revolutionize your life. Whatever it is you've been struggling with, whatever it is that you feel you’re stuck on, you will be able to overcome with this series of hacks contained in this book. The truth is whatever problems you may have are actually simpler than they appear.

If you don't have any money, it's because you don't put yourself in a situation where you can make that money. That money is being earned by other people. Isn’t it high time that you earn that money?

The problem is you think that your problem lies elsewhere. You feel that the solution has to be given to you. You feel that you have to be in the right place at the right time. In other words, you come up with a million and one excuses why you do not reach out and actively take ownership of the solution that will take your life to the next level.

This is a common theme running through all people’s lives. I don't care what you look like. I don’t care where you come from. We all have this going on and until and unless we take ownership of this situation by refusing to become our own enemy, nothing is going to change.


About the Creator

Adrian Praljak

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